I Got Kicked out by the Busty Beauties, but Now They Want Me Back… Sorry, It’s Too Late… Or Maybe Not?!


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A heart-pounding temptation to corrupt a magical swordsman who can slaughter even dragons!

Shin, a magical swordsman, was expelled from an adventuring party just before reaching the S rank.

He decides to live on his own, but a former party member appears before him and asks him to return, but he refuses.

The disappointed members are left behind. As a hard-line measure, the girls begin seducing him with their voluptuous bodies!

Strong on magic but weak on tits, they start a le*d war of attrition!

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Bakunyuu-tachi ni Tsuihou Saretaga Modore to Iwaretemo, mou oso…Modorimashiyuu!
Bakunyū-tachi ni Tsuihō Saretaga Modore to Iwaretemo, mō Oso…… Modorimashi ~yu~u~u!
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Peasantry rated it
September 9, 2024
Status: v2c8
Tags are a little misleading- there should be stuff like 'brainwashing', 'manipulative characters' and maybe 'reverse r*pe'.

Long story short, MC gets briefly kicked out of his party, then honey-trapped back in. A thoroughly toxic 'love story', that plays out like a 'bad end' scenario in a f*mdom eroge, but if that appeals to you then you might enjoy this story
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