I Gain a New Skill Every Day


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Getting a new ability every day, I’m really awesome.

[Ability to acquire: Mind Power]

[Ability to acquire: Immortal body]

[Ability to acquire: body multiplier]

[Ability to acquire: Body of Steel]

【Acquire ability…】

Villains: “For Gao Teng’s ability, we have formulated a careful battle plan, and we will definitely be able to kill him!”

In the hands of…

“Huh? It’s an ability I haven’t seen before!”

“Don’t panic, we all know his weaknesses, and he will die today!”

“Huh? How come you still have an ability that we haven’t seen before?”

“Don’t… don’t panic! We still have a chance!”

“No! How can he have so many abilities, this is impossible!!”

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Gaining a New Skill Everyday
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08/28/24 Aijikan c1
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