I Ended My Engagement With The Woman Who Despised Me


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I let out a bitter smile at that look which told me everything had been futile.

For I finally realized they never had any intention of understanding me, no matter what I did.

The moment I saw those emotionless eyes, I felt an overwhelming sense of emptiness and spoke words I had never dared utter in her presence before.

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I Declared The Annulment of Our Engagement to The Heroine Who Abhors Me
날 혐오하는 여주에게 파혼을 선언했다
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New RealityMaker rated it
February 9, 2025
Status: --
Saw some remarks that this is the first work for this author; if it's true, then it explains how rough the story is.

The beginning plot starts out with Damian, a modern regressor that was a villainous fiance to Elisia, the one girl who he completely was obsessed with before he was reborn. Damien notes that no one understands why or how hard Elisia has it, but in actuality, the action he takes to help her is rather whimsical.

The author failed to try and develop the relationship between Damian and Elisia

All... more>> Damian did was somehow brews a special tea that helps alleviates Elisia's hallucinations, nightmares, and fatigue, and he expects her to treat him differently because of that.

She works on state affairs all day long, and he decides to use resources to train himself — in a city that seems to barely have food to feed their citizens because of the harsh coldness.

Of course, his solution to this is bringing a sun spirit to warm the land up, but he tells no one, not even Elisia about it.

It pretty much reads as "I'm a nice guy doing all of this for my oshi, why won't she notice me after all this?" The author plays into that deeply because Elisia basically had no reason to believe her "delinquent" fiance did anything of importance.

The "solutions" Damian "provided" is so superficial that it makes you wonder how this city even survived if they can't even afford to live without his intervention. And then he throws a tantrum when Elisia doesn't believe or is interested in what he has to say when his actions are considered suspicious prior to an invasion of demon.

Imagine that he went into this story saying he was the biggest fan of Elisia, even writing fanfics and creating merch for her, and then automatically default to eating his words because none of his actions made any remote sense to her. So much for "if no one loved her, I will".

There is even more rough parts to the story, like his bodyguard knight never questioned why he had changed or didn't even know basic things about his family. <<less
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New Jhonrock rated it
February 6, 2025
Status: c15
Basically, this is another game/novel possession story.

WARNING... this overview may contain some spoilers from the prologue of the story. I don't consider mentioning events from the prologue as spoiler, but I do understand that some people may consider it, so, you have been warned.

The protagonist, who was a big, like, really big, fan of one of the heroines of the novel, the least favourite one between the readers, got transmigrated into the said novel, as the villain/extra character who was the fiance of the said heroine and was destined... more>> to leave the story early on, beaten and having his fiancee taken by the original protagonist of the story.

Because of his fanboyism towards her, he decided to change the story, becoming a good guy and trying to win the heroine's heart. But, sadly, that didn't happen, the heroine continued to despise him, no matter what he did to show her his goodwill.

He kept trying to change her view of him until the day her family framed him for something completely absurd, something he had not done, and she supported the accusation. This was the last straw for him. He became furious and called off the engagement.

Now, back at his family home, he decided to keep at least part of his original plan, avoiding the bad ending that awaited him. And to do that, he had to stop all the tragic events that happened with him and his family throughout the novel's story.

That's, basically, how the story begins.

To be honest, I find it much more interesting when the protagonist of these possession stories try to change the story, instead of keeping it intact. Because of that, I'm liking this one quite a bit.

Ps.: Fiancee's regret incoming? I hope so... hahaha... <<less
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Dot4447 rated it
February 1, 2025
Status: c19
Read the first 15 chapters (latest as of now) and the writing seems mildly promising. The plot isn't really something to speak to length about, so far it's progressed like one would expect from it if you've read novels of this theme/genre before. A few plot holes but nothing really major considering there hasn't been much yet and the writing seems to suggest they'll be filled in soon so I'm keeping hopes up. Translation is very good, as usual with Fenrir <3 Will come back after first 2 arcs are... more>> wrapped up and edit.

Not spoilers but general plot, covering prologue and first couple chapters:

Protagonist is a huge fan of a character and reincarnated as her fiance, though in the story they break off and she falls for the male lead of the original story. Protagonist understands why she puts up a cold front and acts the way she does, knowing the original story and simply does his best to get closer to her and ease her life. Then we get to the scene in the prologue where they break up because in person he couldn't deal with a cold lover after all. Story so far is covering their engagement annulment and families but I won't get into spoiler territories, upcoming arc story arc seems it'll cover the things I feel might end up as plot holes if not handled correctly so I'd say let the story brew a bit more before giving final judgements.

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