I Don’t Want a Prince in My Life


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The story of a former Princess whose engagement was broken off and a prince from a neighboring country who was fascinated by the heroine and forced to return home, and joined hands for mutual benefit.

Associated Names
One entry per line
I Wouldn’t Date a Prince Even If You Asked!
I Wouldn’t Date a Prince Even If You Asked! The Banished Villainess Will Start Over With the Power of Magic
Ouji-sama Nante, Kocchi Kara Negaisage Desu wa!
Ouji-sama Nante, Kocchi Kara Negaisage Desu wa! - Tsuihou Sareta Moto Akuyaku Reijou Mahou no Chikara de Mikaeshimasu
Related Series
A Villainess? No, a Heinous Young Lady (1)
Common Sense of a Duke’s Daughter (1)
Formerly, The Fallen Daughter of the Duke (1)
The Magnificent Battle Records of A Former Noble Lady (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Light Novels
  2. Novel 3
  3. Novels a lire
  4. Japanese novels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/24/22 Isohungry Translations c4
10/24/22 Isohungry Translations c3
10/24/22 Isohungry Translations c2
10/24/22 Isohungry Translations c1
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2 Reviews sorted by

lamb19 rated it
May 14, 2021
Status: c18
Don't listen to shelwyn. The story is pretty good. Arian Rose publishes Japanese books of quality.

Even though it follows the broken engagement and banished villainess trope, it has been given a twist.

Cecilia flees to the neighboring country with her mother after her father, the Duke, throws them out with the excuse of doubting Cecilia being his daughter.

... more>> Disowned by her maternal family and with her half-sister's admirers lurking at every corner, it's flee or die.

With many difficulties, they reach the neighboring country; but along the journey they have been scammed of most of their money and had to steal a dead commoner mother and daughter's identities to live.

With a half-insane mother and almost penniless, Cecilia starts working as a seamstress by day and translator by night until a merchant hires her full-time as a translator.

And there, she meets an old acquaintance; Prince Albert, her ex-childhood friend that is head over heels in love with her half-sister and that heartlessly supported her ex-fiance.

After being invited to the castle, he kneels and apologies but Cecilia doesn't forgive.

In a turn of events, it is found out that he was under a spell! That everyone has been charmed by her half-sister, and that Cecilia is actually a witch.

Under the teachings of the royal witch, she starts to understands her powers...

It's time for counterattack, baby! <<less
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shelwyn rated it
March 10, 2021
Status: c9
Eh, the story is a pile of tr*sh, the plot is a convoluted mess. The heroine needs to depend on a man for revenge. Idk it's not very impressive. 3 stars 🌟

It's not very good but sometimes you just want to read a story that pisses you off so 😉 this is for you.
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