I Desperately Avoided the Annihilation Ending. The Party Became Sick


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The protagonist is surrounded by extremely emotional and sick people.

“–Nooooooooooooo!? Volka, Volka!? Don’t die!! Don’t dieeeeeeeeeee!!”

Ah, so this is the world of that dark fantasy manga — When I realized that, I was already dying, one step away from the end where the whole party would be wiped out…

Apparently, he was reincarnated as one of the mob party members who were wiped out by monsters in the early part of a certain dark fan manga. He hated bad endings with a burning passion, so he tried to protect at least his friends, and defeated the monsters in a desperate battle, willing to die in battle. Although he lost his right eye and left leg, he miraculously avoided the end where the whole party was wiped out, and thought that that was the end of the matter, but—

That’s why I’m totally fine. I won’t abandon you, it’s fine. I don’t mind things like atonement. I don’t mind if you say you’ll give me everything.

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Recommendation Lists
  1. Not enough ratings
  2. Yandere

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cyanin rated it
July 24, 2024
Status: c24
So far I'd say it's mid 3 to 4. YMMV depending on what you like; plot is mixed between (melo) dramatic introspection, character interactions and some action. In that order.

Premise is, MC is a happy ending enthusiast reborn into a world of a manga that is basically a bastard child of Berserk & Goblin Slayer. The OG protagonist was a one-man show while side and tertiary characters dropped like hotcakes as horrible things happened to them. It had good enough artwork that he could ignore the author's tragedy fetish, apparently.

Story... more>> opens up as MC realizes that he and his party are royally screwed, they're now in their death scene according to that OG plotline -- someone in the guild had been lazy on a survey and the 'safe' dungeon they were supposed to be training in actually had a teleport trap to a hidden boss room. As the party despairs a badly-injured MC makes his last stand and actually pulls off a victory, but at the cost of a leg and an eye, crippling his ability to use his swordsmanship. Each member of his party feels deeply responsible for the events in their own way, becoming more & more obsessed (and overprotective) about making sure he's taken care of and not letting anything happen to him again.

It's a bit funny how everybody assumes MC has this dark and brooding past that prompted his obsessive training, but

he just reaaallly wanted to be able to do a super awesome magical Iai slash (that sword-draw attack) like in anime. And he not only succeeded, but was able to pull it off like a F/SN character!

The lack of a leg is keeping him from doing much anymore, though, prosthetics available to him can't handle the flow of magic.



If there's a weakness I could point at it's that the perspective-switch monologues are getting a bit repetitive, it's used a lot but cycles around the same angsty things. As the characters progress from that initial trauma it will probably start to change the pattern up.

Translation quality seems good so far. Server stopped dropping but it likes to have cloudflare re-validate me every few pages. <<less
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DudeComesUp rated it
July 4, 2024
Status: --
It's a good story. Solid buildings and good character developments. Also the yandere depicts here is also good, not too extreme but enough to get your chills up. The only bad side is the site, I'm only able to read 2 chapters before the server breaks down with the 503 error despite reading it at midnight. Won't drop this story but hope the website receive its deserve improvement, maybe some update or server upgrade.
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