I Clicked All the Drop Rates


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After mistakenly allocating all attribute points to the drop rate, Xiao Shi discovered that every time he killed something, an item would drop.

Smashing a mosquito resulted in a pill dropping out.

Slaying an evil spirit yielded a secret manual.

Defeating a warrior caused their insights on cultivation to drop.

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I Maximize My Item-dropping Rate
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2 Reviews sorted by

Pretinaverse rated it
August 21, 2024
Status: --
The story is very good and the drop system is quite interesting. The story is consistent from beginning to end, except for a couple of things that the author introduced and then forgot and never named again. However they are things that don't really affect the story, although it would have been more interesting if he hadn't forgotten them. As for the ending, it is a bit unexpected, to say the least. Personally I don't think that ending was quite in line with the main character's personality, but at least... more>> it had an ending.

If I had to complain about something, it's that

there was a lack of explanation about the drop system that Xiao Shi has. Did some higher being give it to him for some reason or was it something completely fortuitous? Be that as it may, I think an explanation was needed.

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Cromii rated it
August 19, 2024
Status: Completed
Minus two stars = because the characters in the novel are horrible/dry/boring/etc... and the story itself is meh.

There are many other minor bad points about the novel but since it is nitpicking I won't list them here.

Three stars = the theme is interesting, the story is consistent most of the time, and it is a long story (I enjoy longer novels).
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