I Came To Find Flowers


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I misused my foresight that should have been used for the Empire for one person.

To make my lover Emperor.


“I sentence the sinner, Millenia Astrod, to the punishment of crossing!”

The only family that loved me died because of me, and the Emperor and my only friend that I thought I loved abandoned me.

Someone came to me as I was dying alone in the heat of hell, completely alone.

Who is it?

He opened my hand that he was weakly holding and wrote it.

‘Please don’t die…’

Ah… If there is a next life… For him…

I closed my eyes thinking that.

I was back a year ago.

I had lost my foresight, but I knew the future. It was my chance to put the future that I had ruined back on the right track.

And I had to find that man and repay the favor. The man with the flower-shaped scar on his wing.

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꽃 찾으러 왔단다
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New Samosaaa rated it
September 9, 2024
Status: c20
There are a very few times when I am intrigued by the novel's name, more so in case of Korean novels & this is one such time. At first, I was like what flowers are you looking for?? It doesn't relate to the description of the novel at all. But it is only after I read the story that I realised why & now I am amazed. The FL is literally in search of a flower pattern that is engraved on her saviour's back, whose face she couldn't see. But... more>> here's the twist, its a reverse harem, a tag which I somehow missed. So, there are more ML candidates other than the one who appears in the beginning of the chapters. So don't take him as a ML like I did. Though he's favourable, I am looking forward to the other ML's as well.

I like the characters, the cover, name of the novel & most importantly how the story is progressing. The main centrepoint of the story in my opinion will be her finding out which possible ML has that flower on their back, along with revenge, drama & so on. <<less
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