I Become a Secret Police Officer of The Imperial Academy


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The reason why a secret police is called a secret police is very simple.

Even if you know who I am, what I do, or what kind of person I am, you must officially pretend not to know.

In front of me, avert your eyes, cover your ears, and keep your mouth shut.

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제국 아카데미의 비밀경찰이 되었답니다
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2 Reviews sorted by

December 13, 2024
Status: c5
The first couple of chapters involves the MC waterboarding and torturing a high school girl...

Honestly I have no idea how to rate or review this story. The writing/translation is pretty good, but I dropped it by chapter 5 because the content is just so messed up.
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Genre Exauster
Genre Exauster rated it
December 15, 2024
Status: c9
Despite the short number of chapters so far, the reasoning behind character actions is well written and understandable. Our main character is doing extremely f*cked up things for good reasons, as well as acting as an unreliable narrator for why they do what they do.

If anybody does some mtl or the chapter number gets fairly high, please, please message me because this has extremely high potential and I am very interested in where it goes.
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