I Became the Younger Brother of the Villainess


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I’ve been reincarnated as the younger brother of the villainess in a romance fantasy otome game my sister used to love. If things continue down this path, only bad endings await. Before my in-game sister falls for the original male lead, I’ve decided to make her fall for me instead.

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악역 영애의 남동생이 되었다
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Chiffon cake
New Chiffon cake rated it
January 13, 2025
Status: Completed
My first review ever so it will be pretty sloppy, apologies in advanced.

The beginning of the novel is honestly awful, it just reads as a generic "gotta catch em all" sort of story where the protagonist has his brain in his d*ck and immediately tries to bag any pretty woman that's to his liking by making use of his status... However, after a certain point the author does a turn around and... Actually starts developing the story: the protagonist is no longer horndog pretending to be cool and whatnot but... more>> actually becomes a thoughtful guy, a bit of a gary stu ngl, but a far more likeable character, the girls also get proper development: not only the ones that are added to the story after this turn around, but also the ones that showed up before, my favorite development has to be:


Christina, she's introduced as what I can only describe as "generic s*x partner" since she comes form a normal family, is described as decently pretty but nothing too crazy, strong abilities but not much compared to the main characters and overall just feels unimportant... And technically she isn't, but that's what makes her quite nice.

As the story progresses, the stakes are raised and girls of more impressive background appear, Christina starts worrying that she truly can't bring anything to the table compared to the others, so the little heart to heart moment she has with the MC is quite sweet and helps to reaffirm her position and their relationship as something more deeper than just a s*x partner.


The plot actually starts going somewhere, and a bit of mystery is added that certainly kept me engaged.

It does have it's flaws but talking about them would go into pretty late spoilers, nonetheless it's very much enjoyable.

If you can put up with the shallowness of just s*x for the sake of s*x that lasts for a bit at the beginning, you will find... Not a amazing story, but one that is compelling and enjoyable. <<less
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NoUps rated it
January 9, 2025
Status: c14 part2
Nothing game changing here. Just a cliche erot*c novel with a typical incel MC. It's a guilty pleasure of mine, What I like about this novel is that the MC knows what he wants and does it. He doesn't fumble around like typical Japanese MC. I wish the heroines had a bit more personality but considering this is an adult novel its par for the course. If you are looking to kill time. You can do worse.
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