I Became the Target of Male Leads in a Dating Sim


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I’ve been transmigrated into a dating sim, , that always ends badly .

As Laila, the only maid of the protagonist who’s the idol of high society, the flower of social circles, and constantly embroiled in scandals!

There’s only one way out of here.

And that is to achieve a ‘reverse harem ending’ by maxing out all the male leads’ affection for the protagonist to 100.

Alright. I’ll help the protagonist’s love life and reach the ending quickly!

That’s what I decided, but….


“Don’t die in front of me. I never want to see someone collapse bleeding again.”

The once cold-hearted Crown Prince is now obsessed with my health.

“If I had known it would be like this, I wouldn’t have left your side.”

The Paladin Commander, who should have been the female lead’s doormat, suddenly looks at me with tender eyes, and

“I’ll feed you delicious food and take you for walks every day.”

The youngest Tower Master, who should have been the female lead’s greatest ally, is eagerly looking for a chance to imprison me. Meanwhile, the female lead just smiles brightly while the male leads are interested in me….

Female lead! Don’t just smile, take your capture targets with you!

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미연시 남주들의 공략 대상이 되었다
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