I Became the Only Cure for My Dying Husband


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“You so brazenly took my innocence, and now you want to leave me and run away?”

One day, Edith suddenly regained memories of her past life. Faced with the realization that she was doomed to die before the age of twenty from a mysterious illness, she decided to take a gamble.

That gamble was to become the contract wife of the second male lead, Lucion, and absorb his curse. To him, the curse was a nightmare, but to Edith, it was her last hope, and at the same time, Edith was his only cure.


“You’re annoying.”

“Do you really think you belong here?”

Lucion closed off his heart due to the curse and refused to let Edith get close. But that was fine. Sooner or later, Lucion would have no choice but to take her hand.

“…You won’t leave me, right?”

“No. I’ll stay by your side, no matter what.”

“You promised. So stay with me. Don’t even think about being with anyone else.”

His cold hand intertwined their fingers tightly, as if he never intended to let go.

As expected of a possessive male lead, he showed his true colors from the very start.

* * *

Edith thought this marriage would have an end. She had no doubt that one day, he would let go of her hand. She was so sure…

“You said with those pretty lips of yours that no matter what, you’d never leave me.”

His gentle hand brushed over Edith’s lips. He moved closer, as if trying to swallow her shuddering breath, and his eyes curved into a smile.

“So now you have to take responsibility. After all, I belong to you.”

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