I Became the Maid of the Tragic Male Lead


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I became an extra in a 19+ tragic reverse harem novel.  

Not long after, the male leads are going to start a war to monopolize the female lead.  

I can’t die after barely coming back to life, can I?  

I managed to save enough money and successfully fled to another country…  

“Darling, do you like leaving me behind?”  

A self-proclaimed crazy mage came looking for me.  

He should be head over heels for the female lead by now!  

“Since you ran off on your own, I’ll take you back as I please.”  

The mage, who teleported into my house, even imprisoned me!  

“I held back because I didn’t want my cute maid to cry, but now I’ll let it all out.”  

The mage, smiling with his eyes curved while untying the strings of my apron, was definitely insane.  

* * *  

“Riss is my maid. So hand her over to me.”  

Male lead 1, who wasn’t interested in women, claimed I was his property,  

“I came all the way here because I wanted to see you.”  

Male lead 3, who I thought was just an ordinary friend from a neighboring country, chased after me.  

Why is everyone acting like this towards me?

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피폐물 남주의 하녀가 되었다
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