I Became the Last Princess of the Brown Bear Kingdom


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I Became a Russian Princess Who Dies in a Revolution.

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5 Reviews sorted by

New ThemosTrash rated it
August 18, 2024
Status: c100
I enjoyed reading it. The novel is in a simple terms, an alternate to world war 1 where the MC reincarnates as Anastasia in the middle of the Soviet Coup.

How the story progressed and how the plot are given were actually coherent and that the Author actually account for a lot of the history. I think the author is probably some sort of history nerd with how it's been presented.

But there were some chapters that were dragged out? But they were fun moments so I actually enjoy it.

I also like... more>> how the MC's personality grows in the passage of time where the MC became from "I just wanna run" to "I want this place to be good then be laid-back" but tbh, it would probably be better if the MC's past got more fleshed out for his hates of commies and stuff

There was only a teensy bit of paragraph that describe his world got destroyed and is living in a post apocalyptic world


In summary, this Novel is pretty good if you wanna chill and read about another alternate reality of WW1. I personally wanted to see the MC interact more with her citizens, but it's a really nice read. I recommend reading it, I think it was quite highly ranked in Novelpia too so... <<less
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randomname8362 rated it
July 18, 2024
Status: c18
big fan of paradox games here like the other review says. It has a good premise. Restore russian imperial glory, kill the commies, etc, stuff that gets me going.

however, I found the translator notes very grating in the first few chapters. Spoiler because I wrote this in the early chapters where it was more egregious. It does improve later.

... more>>

there are notes explaining basic sh*t like what tsarevich means, which I already know. I know who Lenin is, who Trotsky is, who kaiser Wilhem is, who the allies are, what the zimmerman telegram is, etc. Maybe this isn't general knowledge, but to me it is condescending and pisses me off. There's also pseudointellectual "citing" of wikipedia to demonstrate how rigorous he was in verifying the facts. It reminds me of some CN translators who are eager to show off their mastery of vocabulary by stating the definitions of "complex" words I already know.

then there's this:

(T/N: Wait, if she can't die, wouldn't that make the world more unbalanced? Well, I guess that's the kind of OP ability I want, though).

bro, who asked? I came for the plot, not your opinion. This is like trying to watch a youtube guide but the guy keeps injecting his unwanted commentary. It would be fine if he put these in the footnotes with superscript links in the text, but nooooo. These are smack dab in the middle of the page like those bullsh*t fandom ads. They're obtrusive and take me out of the story.

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Red_Winter rated it
August 5, 2024
Status: c45
Edit: The links are apparently dead now, so I went to the site (08/08/2024) to check, and guess what? You need to login just to access the site now, either by Disq or creating an account. Very promising (totally not sarcasm).

The novel is good, I really enjoyed it. It's a classic "what if" of our world's history but with a little bit of powers (on the MC's side) but nothing too over-the-top.

The MC knows a bit too much of the Russian's history for an average Korean guy but this... more>> can be overlooked since the plot is good.

Basically, the MC changes the direction of the Russian Civial War and fight the commies, and from there, things just snowball.

The reason I gave one star is because the problem is the site.

Initially, I thought the site was good, it has good translation, the UI is kinda pretty, and although it had locked chapters, there was a chapter being unlocked daily.

However, it suddenly changed on chapter 45, where the unlock by time stopped and now you needed to pay to read, not the advanced chapters or other contents but the novel itself.

That's one way to sink the novel. I don't mind when a translator or group put advanced chapters behind a paywall since keeping a site running isn't cheap, however, when they put the chapters behind a paywall and you can't access unless you pay, then it would be best if they didn't even touch the novel but it is what it is, I guess.

And a few minutes ago, I went to the site and saw that rather than the 45th chapter which was the latest free chapter I read, now it went back to the 15th chapter, everything else is locked and you have to pay. This is one of the worst monetization methods I have ever seen, it made me drop this novel that I enjoyed so much. <<less
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SomeLoser942 rated it
July 13, 2024
Status: c45
Edit: The story did feel a bit rushed overall, though that's mostly with the hindsight of reading up to the point where the site closed. All in all, it was decent enough slop to read through and make me wish someone else would pick it up again.

Early to tell how good this one is, I like it conceptually, hence the high review. It's fairly simplistic, and there are a few historical errors in the actual plot itself, unsure if it is due to writing or the choice of localization terms,... more>> and so I wont say much about any specific. Just know they're not egregious enough to warrant me dropping it out of my list. Translation by oordinary on Novelplex is serviceable and you can tell there is some effort in it, which is nice.

For what it is, and for what most people look for when they see stuff like this, it's perfectly acceptable. If the setting of the Russian Civil war interests you, or you're one of those people a little too into Paradox games (to sell it to these guys, Ungern-Sternberg is in it), give it a read. <<less
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Scv45 rated it
July 17, 2024
Status: c27
I see two vote negative is commie. Haha

This is most entertaining anti commie idea, survivor anastasia kick commie before s*upid commie spread even further.

Best turn your brain and enjoy the ride

Update: ads too intrusive and annoyed, oh now cookie on 15 chapter only, they sure want your money that bad.
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