I Became the Lady of a Perished Noble Family in a Horror Novel


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I was reincarnated as the cursed lady of a perished noble family in an unfinished novel.

Thinking I could return once the story ended, I lived recklessly. But everything remained the same.

However, despair only lasted a moment!

“First, I need to make money.”

Utilizing my ability to see ghosts, I opened a (ghost) detective agency.

Thanks to my efficient work, word of my abilities gradually spread. Then one day, a suspicious client came to see me.

“If you don’t want to die, you have to help me.”

The tyrant who mu*dered his father and brothers to seize the throne, and the hidden villain of the story—Emperor Adolf Cher Kravoner.

I absolutely refuse to get involved with a madman!

I tried to turn him down, but…

[…Chapter 12: The Suspicious Client

Isabel couldn’t hide her shock. Why is this person here? Adolf, whom she absolutely should never meet, was standing boldly before her.]

The unfinished novel began to be rewritten as soon as I got involved with him.

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