I Became the Cute One in the Troubleshooter Squad


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A world where dragons serve as mayors, elves work in sales, and orcs brew coffee.

In a city full of enhanced humans and wandering wizards, I became a young girl with psychic powers.

“To do something so terrible to a child… These people are despicable.”

“Human experimentation related to psychic powers is an international crime, punishable by at least the death penalty. This is absolutely unacceptable.”

“Don’t worry anymore. From now on, you’ve got nothing to fear. We’ll take care of everything for you, little sister!”

It seems the protagonists have misunderstood something.

Associated Names
One entry per line
I Became the Cute One in the Problem-Solving Team
해결사물의 귀여움 담당이 되었다
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Feel Good Novels
  2. Yuri,tradegy,gender bender
  3. Recommendation 3
  4. genderbender novels
  5. TS novels

Latest Release

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4 Reviews sorted by

New TwinMirror rated it
November 28, 2024
Status: c18
this story has high potential, assuming it doesn't turn generic after the first arc or takes a sour turn somehow. the setting is Shadowrun style, that semi dystopian slightly future but with magic and fantasy races mix that you Don't see to often. with good world building so far.

the action is well written, the mc's powers are potent and show high growth potential, but not to an overwhelming degree. she has clear limits, has to be clever in her moves, and struggles when faced with more powerful opponents keeping it... more>> interesting.

now, the isikai and gender bender elements are... as usual, of limited point. only seemingly there so the MC can know things and as an excuse to have a small girl protag who doesn't think or act like a small girl. and little else so far, I always hope authors will do more with these elements. not that it stops me from reading them. <<less
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New Ashrytan rated it
November 21, 2024
Status: c15
It's still quite early in the story for me to judge thoroughly but the cyberpunk setting coupled with the set of abilities the MC uses to their advantage is a good enough hook to keep me wanting for more. There is some potential for misunderstandings but currently it doesn't lean too heavily on it. A good pick for TS enthusiasts out there, at least for now.
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Sareza rated it
November 19, 2024
Status: c35
The magipunk-industrial hybrid setting, combined with low fantasy elements, low sci-fi themes, supernatural and psychic powers, and "gate" elements, makes this novel stand out with an incredibly unique premise. What's even more surprising is that it's from Novelpia, which isn't typically known for this kind of blend.

Right now, the story is a lot of fun and shows tons of potential. Yeah, this review might be a bit early and could end up unreliable as the story progresses, but the foundation being built so far is solid. The world-building is coming... more>> along steadily, and Yuria, the protagonist, is refreshingly not annoying, and the novel doesn't rely on too much misunderstanding shenanigans to move the story, which is a win.

That said, Novelpia authors do seem to lean hard on the gender-bender trope as a convenient plot device. Not that I'm complaining, if it works, it works. Still, it feels like some of them just want to write female protagonists but don't quite know how to nail the nuances of how a female character might act. So they just use the good'ol TS tactic.

As for the action scenes and power system, they haven't been explored much yet, but what's there is intriguing. Though I've got to say, the way the characters use their powers and equipments are very clever, for example, Yuria's ability is telekinesis, but she doesn't just throw stuff around or float, she actually uses the environment to her advantages, as well as inertia, friction, and kinetic energy, this particular part is very well-executed. I'm liking it so far and definitely plan to keep reading.

As for my current rating, a solid 8.5/10. <<less
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Isaacbai rated it
November 20, 2024
Status: c13
Definitely still early but this one has a strong start, if you're someone who likes novels with "misunderstandings" themes, between the MCs age/appearance and being mute this will for sure have a lot. The setting seems like an interesting combination of fantasy and cyberpunk and MCs power is also pretty cool while also having clear drawbacks currently and room for growth. Looking forward to seeing where this goes!
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