I Became Jörmungandr In A Fantasy World


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“A, a dragon!!”

“We have to offer a live sacrifice!!”

“A dragon devouring the kingdom! I, the hero Asgard, have come to vanquish you!”

I’m not a dragon, you fools.

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판타지 속 요르문간드가 되었다
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2 Reviews sorted by

Sareza rated it
July 28, 2024
Status: c22
I know it's a bit early for a review. Just sharing my very subjective opinion here.

I'm a total sucker for these types of novels, an OP non-human protagonist? Count me in. The gist is that the MC gets transmigrated into a fantasy world and becomes a snake. The story skips over his early days, but he survives by hunting and killing monsters, eventually becoming a Jormungandr after a millennium. Yep, that massive serpent from Norse mythology.

When the story kicks off, the MC is already insanely strong, probably the most powerful... more>> being in the world, stronger than both the goddess and the demon lord. There's not much tension yet (it's currently building up), but the world-building is decently written. The power system is a bit weird, not really my favorite, but the story execution is solid and the side characters are pretty interesting. What I really like about the protagonist is his morality. The author does a great job portraying him as an entity that's lived over a millennium. He's not arrogant, c*cky, or naive, and he's probably very experienced in fighting, which is how he managed to survive as a snake.

I'm still scratching my head over why the technological advancement of humans and demons hasn't progressed in at least 1000 years, but hey, plotholes happen. Or maybe it's because they keep destroying each other, who knows. I've only read 22 chapters so far.

Despite some flaws here and there, I'm quite enjoying it. The premise is solid, and the start shows potential. If you're into OP protagonists and epic fantasy worlds, you might want to give this one a shot.

PS. It has potential but I'm not optimistic about it, usually these types of story falls off after 50 or so chapters, well whatever. <<less
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Phantomask rated it
August 17, 2024
Status: c42
The premise is quite interesting both in terms of setting as well as the finality of the plot which you'll find out after chapter 35+

Despite more or less knowing how the story is going to flow by this point, it still seems to carry itself in a way that's enjoyable to read and somewhat intriguing so we'll have to see how it executes the promised narrative from that point on.

Sareza goes into a bit of detail of the MC's context and I have to say, they are fairly true though... more>> some details are only seen as we move forward in the story through reminiscing and nostalgia rather than flashbacks. MC is quite op and strong and the reason for his appearance is delved into later which also lays the groundwork for other more fun things to happen.

As it stands, the story is not bad and quite enjoyable despite some things not being touched on or left deliberately vague. <<less
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