I Became a Swordsmanship Instructor in a Romance Novel


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The hero who saved a world without dreams or hope returned to Earth and adapted to an ordinary life.

“I will never pick up a sword again.”

With that vow, he even put away the kitchen knives in his small apartment.

Then, while reading a romance fantasy, he saw some terrible swordsmanship and left a comment without realizing it.

“Ah, that’s not how you do it.”


Associated Names
One entry per line
Became a swordsmanship instructor in Rofan
I Became a Swordsmanship Instructor in a Fantasy Novel
로판 속 검술 교관이 되었다
Related Series
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3 Reviews sorted by

New davidwolf2d rated it
August 26, 2024
Status: --
This sucks. It starts with a supposedly jaded and cynical former hero, or that's what you're led to believe. Unfortunately, you quickly find out he's just pathetic. The only reason he acts cold and aloof is because of a residual habit from the original body. You know, that same trope from a few novels, like "My Death Flags Show No Sign of Ending."

But inwardly, the MC is a whiny, naïve, teenager. Something you'd see in a typical Japanese web novel. Is that all? Yes. There's nothing more to this story.... more>> If you don't like the main character, you won't like anything. The romance is forced because of MC's own s*upidity and naïvety. He very clearly explains why he doesn't trust people anymore, regardless of his ability to see their soul. He explains that fact in detail and then proceeds to contradict himself the very next chapter he uses this ability of his and sees a pure soul.

The MC's only redeeming quality is his strength, but he's overall unlikeable, much like this novel. <<less
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Cactiii rated it
August 9, 2024
Status: c25
The book is pretty standard for this genre, but in my opinion an enjoyable read so far.

I don't really agree with the other reviews, and as always for everyone thinking of reading a book you should probably just try it since reviews are full of bias and personal preferences or things taken out of context and nitpicked. Especially the last one, and I'm probably guilty of it too a lot with some of my reviews, but people like to complain about x being an issue but realistically it rarely matters... more>> in the scheme of the book and while person 1 might have a problem person 2-10 will be perfectly fine with it, so I recommend just giving the first few chapters a shot for every book and decide for yourself.

Wretchedd talks about the MC throwing out the ring but thats explained I think fine in universe. He doesn't like having anything on his hands and he was frustrated and pissed at being isekaied so in a moment of answer he threw the ring out, he even regrets its later since it could be worth a lot.

Their other thing is about the world being "dark" but I think its pretty average if anything. It's based on a romance fantasy and those usually have this type of thing in some form, and I might just be dull to it at this point but I wouldn't consider this book even remotely dark. It's nothing like a lot of the revenge books or ones where everything is out to get the protagonist or quite a few other common story archtypes that I would normally classify as dark. So far the line about the goblins doing, goblin things, is really the only thing. To continue on my point above, what one person finds as a negative that makes them drop a book, another person will barely think about when reading. I disagree with their opinion, but that doesn't mean that you will, so to reintegrate my earlier point rather than reading reviews to see if you will like a book just give it a try. Anyway, the book I would say is worth a try at least. There isn't anything so far that makes the book unique or stand out. The characters have the standard depth that you see, the comedy some might find funny, the world building is pretty average, at least so far while there isn't really anything that makes this book one that I find amazing, theres not much that I dislike which makes it a pretty enjoyable read. <<less
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Hello, it's Illidan and today I will review this novel. Quite a bad one in my opinion... Well, it's only 18 chapters and it can't be judged harshly. But as other reviewer said, it doesn't form positive opinion from the start and only makes it worser.

Let's talk a little bit about MC, an unlikable OP bastard. You maybe try to defend him, like : "Muh, he spend 10 years in dark world fantasy, he have some PTSD and etc", doesn't explain why he behaves himself like this, while having one... more>> certain abillity. To see emotions of other people with percentages. I will write in spoilers, the most annoying moments of this novel


After saving first girl which a bit delusional and tends to overthing some things, he later asks her for "who is a villainess" and then proceeds to behave like terminator. Ignoring higher ups of academy and searching for heroine and simply saying to that "villainess", to get lost. After doing that, he checked her emotions and all his reaction is... What the hell this body owner did before.


Sorry if my review was pretty bland or bad, compared to any other review on NU. It's my first time writing review on novels related site.

Personal rating 1/5. Overall rating 2-3/5 <<less
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