I Became A Pretty T*ash Villain


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I possessed an immensely pretty but vicious princess.

She threatened the male lead and forced him to marry her,

And clung to him pathetically, yet was never loved.

I wanted to live with this face, so I threw him divorce papers.

There’s no need for me to wait for the female lead to show up, and the two of them will eventually die of old age anyway.

“Your Highness, what are you going to do now?”

“What to do? It’s the beginning of the life of Gold Miss*.”

However, when I became a divorced woman, all the distinguished men in the world began to propose marriage.

It was tiresome, so I made a promise that the one who wins a one-on-one fight against my pet dragon, I would marry.

But then.

“……Isn’t that Lord Listane?”

Why is my ex husband coming into the arena?

*Gold Miss is an unmarried woman with a high socioeconomic status and level of education.

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I Became A Pretty T*ash Villainess
I Became A Pretty Trashy Villainess
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Nightkiss49 rated it
December 20, 2022
Status: c7
It's a pretty good novel it's about more about marriage and Petty complains here and there.

... more>>

So I read the spoilers the novel is slightly dark.

The female lead is trying her best to get divorced from her husband who's the main lead in the original novel as well as the current novel.

The male lead is actually in love with the female lead but he starts losing interest not just because of her personality, he starts losing interest slowly due to various reasons, and later on in the chapters he realizes why he even wanted to continue the marriage when he knew he could avoid it in beginning, but in the end, he fights back to win her.

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January 29, 2024
Status: c20
I couldn't help myself and read the MTL to know what would happen next chapter 8, so the thing is I'm really disappointed and I'll drop it.


If you come here looking for a determined MC as the novel description says then this story isn't for you, I mean, the MC transmigrated in the villainess Attila, character who is destined to die because she obsessed over the ML who doesn't love her and for what I read is just with her because they were once childhood friends and he kinda... more>> pity her because her family conflicts, the MC knows all this and tried to divorced him, but because he refused at the beginning she starts to like him and fell in love with him, girl wake up! She at the end follow the path of the og Attila and is getting hurt too because she knows that the ML and the people around her is going to choose the FL because that's how the story goes. Sigh, I expected to find a MC with unbreakables goals and strong will who doesn't fall in love until the very end, I thought she'll divorce flawlessly and the ML would regret it and would chase after her, but unfortunately that's not the case because she is already in love and is playing the card that she doesn't care about the ML and FL getting together, but the truth is that she's expecting the ML to look at her as the og Attila did.

I will give this novel 3 star because of the effort of the scan who is translating and sharing the novel with us, but as a reader who look for strong a determined MC I don't recommend this novel <<less
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