I Became A Playwright In Medieval Fantasy


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I complained that the play script in this other world was terrible.

But then they told me, ‘If you don’t like it, write it yourself.'”

I got so mad that I plagiarized the lives of famous people and made them into scripts.

⌠Your Highness, I still have twelve battleships.⌡

⌠The die is cast.⌡

……But it ended up being way more popular than I expected.

Somebody, help me!!!

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위인전 파쿠리해서 극작가 함
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2 Reviews sorted by

New zbywg rated it
September 19, 2024
Status: c27
This novel is quite good, as it explores something I've rarely seen. This gives it a refreshing feel, free from clichés.

I really enjoyed it beacuse of the reactions and dramaticism. While it does have an undertone of seriousness, it maintains a uplifting vibe that makes it stand out. Typically, this kind of novel isn't my usual preference, but I found this one to be exceptionally well-written and engaging.

However, one notable drawback is that while the main character is well-developed and experiences significant charecter growth, most of the supporting characters feel... more>> rather one-dimensional.

Take the princess, for instance

her motivation seems to be driven solely by whimsy (direct quote: "beacuse it's fun")

, which can be frustrating to read.

Additionally, the characters' mindset often lacks logic and is very one-dimentional. For example,

instead of thinking about expressing excitement about the protagonist's talent and eagerly asking when his next play will debut, they express desire to kidnap him and break his legs to force him into rapid script production.

This approach feels unrealistic and detracts from the otherwise immersive story. <<less
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New Wynxsteria rated it
September 7, 2024
Status: c12
I've just been curious if there were stories about an MC who is an author/bringing Earth literature to the other world, then I stumbled upon this treasure.

If you're looking for action, then this isn't the one for you. This mainly focuses on the reaction of the masses to the MC's 'works'.

The MC doesn't just say, "hey, here's a theater work from Earth, act it out!" Then boom! Intead, he adapts it to the world he reincarnated which makes it impactful to the people. Essentially, this novel is all about the... more>> impact that he brings to the other world.

This is a good read for those who just wants something after a very emotional and action-filled story. This has romance and harem in it, and while I have no problem with it, I just hope the girls won't turn braindead and obssessed with the MC. In fact, I prefer if the girls have crushes but MC is just not interested on them or pursues one of them.

It's too early to say, but so far, this has been good! <<less
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