I Became a Mythical Hunter After Killing the Golden Goblin


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I lived a life far removed from the word “luck,” enduring misfortune and bowing my head to it at every turn. In the end, what awaited me was nothing but a weak and miserable death. 〚Hidden stage: You have discovered the Golden Goblin’s Tower!〛 But in my final moment, I found a stroke of luck never to come again. Click! Boom! 〚You have slaughtered a total of 9,999 Golden Goblins!〛 〚You have obtained ownership of the Hidden stage: Golden Goblin’s Tower!〛 〚An astonishing and impossible achievement!〛 〚A special reward is being granted!〛 〚Achievement holder confirmed dead, reward forcibly triggered: Time Reversal confirmed!〛 I was given a second chance. In this second life, I will no longer bow to misfortune.

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황금 고블린 잡고 신화급 헌터
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New Weenie_west rated it
September 18, 2024
Status: c142
It’s really hard to get through the start where the MC makes idiotic choices and false statements. For example he would say stuff like how he’s a calm calculating person when he’s really not. But it gets better later on to the point where it’s hard to stop reading
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