I Became a Cyberbullied Idol


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After getting mu*dered by a stalker, Lee Dohyun finds himself in a dazed, soul-like state when he encounters a mysterious woman. The woman tells him that she can help him move on to the next life.

At that moment, a notification pops up on his phone.

[To celebrate the launch of the female-oriented BL romance simulation game ‘From Flop Idol to God Idol!’ we’re giving away 10,000 in-game cash~! Don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime, exclusive opportunity, just for you 0.﹤~]

‘No matter how many times I block it, this damn ad keeps popping up. Just like that shitty stalker.’

The moment Dohyun reaches out to block it again, he finds himself s**ked into it instead.

And when he opens his eyes again, he finds himself possessing the body of ‘Lee Rubi,’ the main character of the crappy game. With no apparent escape, he realizes that completing the game’s quests will yield ‘evidence’—evidence that could help him catch the damn stalker-mu*derer who killed him in real life!

Dohyun grinds his teeth, determined to complete all the quests in the game and catch the criminal, but there was one detail he had overlooked.

The fact that the shitty system displayed real-time SNS updates right in front of him.

‘If this isn’t cyberbullying, what is…?’

And the fact that the game genre was BL.

‘…I’m f*cked.’

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09/09/24 1004 Hotline c1 part2
09/09/24 1004 Hotline c1 part1
1 Review

New ZayVet
Sep 09, 2024
Status: ongoing & reading
Quite a good start. Hoping for further upload of new chapters. I will rate this novel when more chapters are released.
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