I Became a Bride Candidate for the Grand Duke I Secretly Loved


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“So, who are you, and why have you come here?”

A cold voice sliced through the air.

There was no way he would remember someone he had danced with just once, five years ago.

But she remembered. The warmth of the only hand that was extended to her, and the kindness of that smile.

“I came because I want to marry you, Your Grace.”

The time given to her, a participant in the Emperor’s selection for the Grand Duchess, was only three months.

But there’s no need to worry.

She has a magical book that helps love come true!

[Expose your neck to the person you’re interested in.]

“Did you sleep awkwardly, Lady Bellacita? It seems like you have a stiff neck.”

No, that’s not it!

[There’s a saying that even whales can dance when praised.]

“Your Grace, I think white shirts suit you very well. Especially the collarbones that stand out between the shirt—so se… so handsome!”


Why, why are you looking at me like I’m some kind of pe*vert? Why isn’t this working as the book says?

To make matters worse, other candidates for the position of Grand Duchess began arriving one by one at the Grand Duke’s castle….

Please, let me become the bride of the Grand Duke I secretly love!

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