I Am a Fierce Ghost, How Could I Possibly Submit to Living Under Others


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Qin Liu couldn’t understand it.

He was originally a tall and sturdy man.

But why… after being hit by a dump truck and dying, did he come back as a female ghost?

Luckily, she looked stunning, with a great appearance and elegant demeanor.

So for Qin Liu, if fate brought her here, she might as well settle in. Living a second life as a female ghost wasn’t the worst outcome.

But a few days later, an uninvited guest arrived at her haunted house.

This was her house, so naturally Qin Liu tried everything to drive away this intruder.

She first took out a pair of red embroidered shoes.

But the intruder put the shoes on a shrine and devoutly worshipped them.

She then took out a pair of bloodstained stockings, but those too were carefully stored away in a treasure box.

Left with no choice, Qin Liu decided to take action personally, determined to make this person pay.

But just as she crawled out of the TV, the person brushed aside her bangs…

“Get out of my house!!”

The embarrassed and angry Qin Liu shouted.

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New Felo rated it
November 20, 2024
Status: c7
Have you ever seen a tsundere ghost? Well, this is that, and it's pretty funny - although it has it's bouts of serious moments now and then that set an interesting contrast. The translation by Wook's TeaHouse is good, so nothing to really nitpick about.

Theres not much overt world building so far, but the glimpses we get of the paranormal in this story are pretty interesting, so I'm looking forward to reading this one for a while. We're only at chapter 7, so we'll have to see how this book... more>> goes after a few more months of translation. <<less
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