I Am a Cat


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I am a cat. My owner’s cat.

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  1. Short Stories
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09/18/21 Foxaholic c1
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Lost Happiness
Lost Happiness rated it
October 9, 2021
Status: Completed
What a twist. Though the tag is missing brainwashing since that is probably what the ML did to MC during confinement to make him think he is a cat. Short but very dark and interesting.
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Undying Winter
Undying Winter
July 2, 2023
Status: Completed
'I Am a Cat' and I Am Traumatised, I thought it was going to be fluff ●█▀█▄

Since it was a oneshot, I didn't bother checking the tags or the reviews because it was going to be a quick read anyways, biggest mistake of my life and that's coming from someone who makes a lot of mistakes. I've heard of 'never judge a book by its cover' but nobody told me I shouldn't judge a book by its title and synopsis either...

But, to be honest, not reading the reviews also had... more>> its pros, as the plot twist actually caught me off-guard. Not sure how it's going to be like for the new readers who were spoiled through the reviews, but for me, it wasn't that bad of a read, just a bit dark. And the plot twist was quite subtle... well, about as subtle as a brick to the head, but you can have your own interpretation about the twist/ending because it's not exactly direct. Overall, I don't really regret reading it although it wasn't what I expected. <<less
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hothotpot rated it
November 3, 2021
Status: c1
Give me back my tears! I was thinking the MC died and became a cat and sticking to the ML. I started sobbing

then the plot twist made my eyes suck back my remaining tears
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