I Already Said I Don’t Want to Be Reincarnated, Didn’t I!? ~the Suffering of the Goddess of Reincarnation~


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One day, on his way back from the company he worked at, Tanaka helped a cat that was going to be hit by a truck…….

The Goddess of Reincarnation appeared and told him:

“You have died. I’m here to give you the chance to reincarnate.”

“No, I’m not dead.”

“Eh? That’s true? Why!?”

He and the cats were safe.

This is the story of Tanaka, an ordinary salaryman who crushes the reincarnation flag with full forces and the Goddess of Reincarnation who’s struggling to reincarnate him in the different world in any way possible. It’s a story filled with heartwarming comedy…… at least that’s the plan. Sometimes it’s also pe*verted.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Dakara Tensei Shinai to Itteru daro!? ~ Tensei Megami no Junan ~
だから転生しないと言ってるだろ!? 〜 転生女神の受難 〜
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Latest Release

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01/17/18 Strolling Rhea c3
01/15/18 Strolling Rhea c2
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01/08/18 Strolling Rhea prologue
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3 Reviews sorted by

January 19, 2018
Status: prologue
A fun take on a person who is actually smart/lucky and therefore manages to avoid the reincarnater's trope.
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ExtremeRampage rated it
September 25, 2019
Status: c34
Truck-kun messed up and didn't manage to kill the MC. The Loli Angel, who was supposed to send the MC to a typical Isekai scenario where he has to defeat the Demon King, can't leave the Human World because of the MC's survival.

She tries, in multiple ways, to kill and or convince the MC to die so he can save the other World and she can go back to her "Heavenly realm". The MC doesn't want to die, even though his life is very boring, generic and he has to... more>> constantly track his finances because he barely scrapes by. Even then he still is content because his life is predictable and stable.

So now they are stuck with each other.

Genuinely funny and cute story. <<less
7 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Asterlan rated it
February 1, 2019
Status: c21
Surprisingly a lot of fun and heartwarming. Been a long time since a novel has actually made me chuckle.

The MC is an amusing character who does his best to avoid the schemes of the goddess.

The goddess well... You need to read it to truly appreciate her character haha!
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