I Alone Resurrect


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[Innate Ability: Resurrection]

“What? What’s with this super OP cheat skill?”

However, Kang Hyun didn’t know.

What it meant to die, want to die, and not being able to.

The man who became the most infamous hunter on Earth with his immortal body!

As a human disaster–No, as one against the disasters facing the human race,

I will solo resurrect today as well!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Solo Resurrection
나 혼자 부활한다
Related Series
I Killed the Demon King. It Was a Mistake (1)
My Demons (1)
The Extra Strategist’s Royal Road (1)
Transformation or Death (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Crazy male Protagonist, no genderbender sh*t
  2. Hunter/Gate/Tower/Etc. Series - Not Read Pt.2
  3. I like (Action)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/06/25 ippotranslations c143
02/05/25 ippotranslations c142
02/04/25 ippotranslations c141
02/03/25 ippotranslations c149
02/02/25 ippotranslations c139
01/30/25 ippotranslations c138
01/29/25 ippotranslations c137
01/28/25 ippotranslations c136
01/27/25 ippotranslations c135
01/26/25 ippotranslations c134
01/23/25 ippotranslations c133
01/22/25 ippotranslations c132
01/21/25 ippotranslations c131
01/20/25 ippotranslations c130
01/19/25 ippotranslations c129
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3 Reviews sorted by

September 19, 2024
Status: c127
I disagree with “NeedMultipleAccounts” review. The translation is fine, and Hyeon and Hyun are interchangeable since they have the same pronunciation. The main character’s sister is Kang Ahyun, and the main character is Kang Hyun. It’s not hard to understand unless you’re unfamiliar with English.

Now for my actual review: the novel is generally below average. I’ve read about 127 chapters, and it gets boring quickly. The main character hardly ever uses his Resurrection ability meaningfully, and the other characters are very one-dimensional, relying on the main character whenever times get... more>> tough. They react the same way whenever the main character does something “insane.” People also pick fights with him for no reason, even though they know he’s powerful. It makes no sense; you’d think people would be cautious around him, but they still behave arrogantly. See the spoiler below.


In the future, he’s ranked 2nd in Korea and has a 2nd ranked Guild called “Badass, ” yet people still underestimate and antagonize him in Korea itself.


The original author seems to have made a poor attempt to recreate Solo Leveling, but it didn’t work out. My overall summary of this novel is that it’s a budget version of Solo Leveling. The main character lacks charisma, and the plot feels very silly.

I’m not going to rate this because some people may not have read Solo Leveling like I did. I could be biased in my take because I’m comparing it to Solo Leveling. This could be something cool to people who have never reader a "Hunter" novel before. <<less
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NeedMultipleAccounts rated it
September 15, 2024
Status: c100
Posting this as "cinnonym" said this has good translation which is a big pro for me, I read it, bad translation. There are already plenty of sentences that don't make sense by chapter 8.

I don't even know if the MC's name is Hyeon or Hyun. Both him and his sister have been called Hyeon at this point.

In reponse to "gamesarefun67". Since he appears to be used to machine translations considering he has read up to chapter 127 when the translation team have only gone up to chapter 100 with their... more>> advance chapters.


In the summary here, protagonist is called Kang Hyun

In chapter 1 sister is called Kang A-hyun and Protagonist is called Kang Hyeon.

In chapter 8 they started calling the sister Kang Hyeon, but they appear to have fixed that since, so obviously there was an error.


Not sure about his point about his point on it not being hard to understand unless you're unfamiliar with English, after he makes a point on the Korean names pronunciation being interchangeable so it's not confusing, maybe he meant unless you're unfamiliar with Korean, which I am indeed unfamiliar with.

I still like this novel a lot though, it's not incredibly well written, but it is very easy to read aside from some mistranslations, with plenty of dopamine provided without having to wait tens of chapters, and they released 30 advance chapters at once, from 70 to 100, that was crazy. <<less
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cinnonym rated it
September 8, 2024
Status: c11
The beginning of the story follows the MC in a world where there is an impending apocalypse. In the meantime, humanity is given an eight stage tutorial to determine their capabilities. Dying on a stage means that the tutorial ends for that individual. The catch is that the MC "resurrects", essentially forcing him to continue the tutorial and improve himself.

The MC's motives and emotions are understandable and relatable.

The writing is easy to follow, the progression continues at a believable pace; not so slow that it drags out, and not so... more>> fast that it's ridiculous.

Some other pros:

Good translation

Easy to follow level-up and stat system. <<less
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