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Oreki Houtarou is a self-proclaimed ‘energy-saver’ – that is, he will not actively waste energy doing things that aren’t necessary. Though he had no interest whatsoever in joining any clubs upon entering Kamiyama High School, he was commanded by his older sister Tomoe to enter the school’s Classics Club, which was in danger of getting abolished as all previous members have graduated.

Together with his old friends Fukube Satoshi and Ibara Mayaka, as well as the elegantly ladylike and curiously inquisitive Chitanda Eru, the newly reformed Classics Club find themselves involved in all sorts of mystery-solving escapades. Houtarou soon finds out that the Classics Club, as Tomoe has promised, is actually ‘quite interesting’.

And so begins the ‘Classics Club Series’.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Classics Club Series
Koten-bu Series
古籍研究社 系列
Related Series
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Omae wo Onii-chan ni Shite Yarouka!? (1)
The Elf Is a Freeloader (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Romantic Mystery/Thriller (bxg)
  2. Masterpieces in their own category
  3. Mystery Stuff
  4. My little library
  5. favorite LNs (PEAK!)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
07/07/22 Manlyflower Translations ss 6 (2022)
07/02/21 Manlyflower Translations v6 afterword
11/16/20 Pigcow Translations intermission track...
11/16/20 Pigcow Translations intermission track...
11/16/20 Pigcow Translations intermission track...
11/16/20 Pigcow Translations intermission track...
11/16/20 Pigcow Translations intermission track...
11/16/20 Pigcow Translations intermission track...
11/16/20 Pigcow Translations intermission track...
11/16/20 Pigcow Translations intermission track...
11/16/20 Pigcow Translations intermission track...
11/16/20 Pigcow Translations intermission track...
11/16/20 Pigcow Translations intermission track...
11/16/20 Pigcow Translations intermission track...
11/16/20 Pigcow Translations intermission track...
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3 Reviews

Mar 05, 2017
Status: --
It's hard for me to think of any other anime who caused me to be as affected as hyouka (I legit brought out pen and paper) and it's intricate mysteries weather it be the main mystery or the subtle ones the author always slips in, or the over-arching theme of talent or the lack of it. The characterizations are amazing and complex while seeming simple at the same time. It's like an art masterpiece where it just draws you in and before you know it a long time has already... more>> past in your contemplations or reflections <<less
19 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 25, 2016
Status: --
Nice simple mystery novel where nobody dies. Can't divulge much without spoiling, but the author pay homages to famous mystery writer like Agatha Christie.
15 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 13, 2021
Status: v6 afterword
The mysteries are fresh and original. This is a mystery series where the solutions are just a simple part of everyday life. The main character Oreki Houtarou is relatable, describing himself as average.

He scored perfectly in the middle of his school's exams.

Beware, the author's writing speed is not very fast, it came out in 2001 but currently only has 6 volumes, but the 7th volume is on the way, just prepare to wait like I am. 😉
2 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
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