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“Hundred” – this is the only weapon that can oppose the mysterious life form “Savage” which is attacking the Earth. The protagonist Kisaragi Hayato uses the Hundred’s “Master of Martial Arts” to be on par with them, achieving the matriculation into the battleship university “Little Garden”.


“We’ve already met, you know, Hayato――!”
“Oh… And you are…?”

Around his room mate Emil Crossford, who also knows him well (?) for some reason, Hayato starts feeling uneasy. Furthermore, just after the matriculation he is being challenged by “Queen” Claire Harvey, the academy’s strongest master of martial arts, to a duel…?!

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05/01/19 Taekan v16c1
04/22/19 Taekan v16 prologue
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04/06/19 Taekan v15c4
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6 Reviews

Oct 02, 2017
Status: --
Basically... "Standard" would the word I'd use to describe this novel by now but it is by no means the fault of this novel. IS, Magika, Mahou Gakuen HxH, Rakudai Kishi and many others of those type. If you like those types, I'd say give this a try, you might like it. As far as I'm concerned however, the plot is simply overused. It has some occasional unique concept here and there but mostly it sticks to the generic template.
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Oct 26, 2015
Status: --
Ah hundred.. I like to think of it as a IS rip off to a extent.. While I can't remember if there is other males in this novel. We have the basic MC surrounded by females in school, and they fall in love with him at some time.. Okay what makes this unique you say? Well they are fighting some kind of bug or alien that's trying to destroy the world...

I do recommend this to people who like harems like IS and HSDXD.
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May 23, 2020
Status: c16
This is a complete disappointment when I read and saw the anime I was expecting an actual harem end meaning MC gets together with all the girls at least claire Should have joined well it Japanese so I should have known don’t read if your here for harem
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Jan 17, 2024
Status: Completed
I enjoyed watching the anime a while back but now that I started reading the novel I realize just how many glaring problems this story has. One thing that will especially be hammered home is just how much of an atrocious tool the MC Hayato is.

Honestly, had the author stopped mentioning his name just for half a chapter I would've completely forgotten about him. Both the MC and the story can be summed up in one sentence and that is: "afraid of leaving its comfort zone"

The MC is your typical... more>> spineless, not strong not weak, somehow attractive to the opposite s*x, shy around women, unintelligent, bland puppet that serves as the author's self insert to carry the story. I say the author's because pretty much any comment I ever read from readers calls this guy a moron and a simp for never going anywhere in his relationships with other girls and only ever sticking with one girl.

I don't mind that, it's not like the story advertises itself as harem.... except it does. So that's just a teeny tiny bit infuriating... It doesn't help that the girl is pretty terrible herself.

Emilia's whole character is "she loves Hayato and is jealous when he's around other women". Unlike other heroines she has neither the looks (even Sakura beats her in that department) nor the character to boast about, she's just walking eye candy that screams "Hayato, Hayato" wherever she goes. She's supposed to be a really strong Slayer and a natural Variant and her Hundred is pretty broken yet she constantly gets shafted by everyone.

In comparison to Claire who not only looks hot, but has actual character development as the story progresses she is so inferior that it is genuinely sad to see Claire thrown to the side like this. Unfortunately this is just another unfortunate case of the "Worst Girl Syndrome". Claire just didn't have the luck to be the first pretty girl Hayato laid his eyes on, thus she is destined to lose even if the whole fan base prefers her over Emilia.

Sakura is another girl who just like Emilia falls for Hayato extremely quickly, but at least unlike Emilia she had several days to actually get to know him. Also she's kind of a wishy washy idol girl so I guess it's in character for her to fall for the guy who saves her like a princess, so I can accept it. It's a good foundation for actually building a real relationship later on

But Emilia just loves Hayato from day one, so it's no wonder why she feels so dull. Like Sakura, she got saved by Hayato when she was a kid and boom, the ship has sailed. They literally see each other once before the plot begins but that's enough to cement her as love interest apparently.


Other than our main cast we have multiple side characters such as "Male friend", "Loli that punches hard", "female Claire simps", "Shota trap and his (girl) friends", "Loli researcher" and several others most of whom are women with gigantic ti*s and asses. Uninteresting and unimportant, especially since every problem has to be solved by Hayato and his crappy sword Hundred. We can't have anyone else be known as Hero other than Hayato after all

The villains aren't anything to write home about either, the final villain being especially atrocious

And the thing that annoys me the most is that despite being the center of the story, the Hundred themselves aren't really well explored. The whole power system is cool but far too lacking, author just gives a bare bones description and that's it. We don't really get to find out how they really work, just that they are super broken as long as you have a wish you strive towards and the willpower to go through with achieving it, but that's it.

All in all, this is a story with several good concepts that go nowhere and a lack of any real risks. It's the type you read when you have time to kill and don't know what to do with yourself. <<less
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May 27, 2021
Status: v16c4
The anime only had a 12 episode season, working its way up to volume 4 of the light novel. Now that I've finished the light novel, this story and plot weren't exactly the best, no spoilers: I think its great story, even if the whole series gets animated, I think it will be very popular, I'm very bad imagining things, and when they describe something new, I don't know what it is or how it looks like until I've seen it, (either in the manga or anime). There was... more>> intense character development, even I was surprised that they would develop to that content, it felt like the characters that were there and had a purpose and weren't just there to move the story forward (though there were a lot of characters to be honest). Though there may be a lot of characters to remember and their names, and some of them only get introduced once, and we see them in fragmented parts through out the series. Well the in the end the series was enjoyable for me, though it was not that popular, I still found joy in it, and now I say goodbye for it for now, I may return and re-read it in the future. <<less
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Oct 31, 2022
Status: --
I watch the anime I honestly wanted him to smash the blonde chick harem means you're infatuated with all these women around well that's what it means to me so if there's a harem Tag but it only has one FL I don't even like harem anyway it was good
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