How Will Enduring Solve Anything? I’ll Raise a Fuss!


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Mia, a native of Japan, was summoned to another world to serve as a Saint.

“—I summoned you, so be grateful and work for this kingdom.”

The prince who summoned her said in a very overbearing manner. Both he and his sister, the princess, were rude and abusive.

Refusing to obey such people, Mia disobeyed their orders.

“If that’s how you’re going to treat me, I won’t use my power as a Saint.”

“But you’re the Saint! How dare you go against my words! I’ll execute you!”

“If you execute me, the Saint, you’ll be the ones in trouble.”

To teach Mia a lesson, the princess threw a dying knight at her feet.

“Now, use your power as the Saint, or are you letting this knight die?!”

The princess, who neither reached out nor helped the injured, treated the knight as a tool to force Mia into obedience.

Mia’s anger boiled, and she used her power to launch a counterattack against the princess!

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Damatte gaman shite ite mo ī koto nante nakattanode, buchigiremasu
How Will Enduring Solve Anything? I’ll Raise a Fuss!
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12/13/24 American Faux c1
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