How To Love A Witch


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“Do I have to get married?”

Ella, a Witch Princess, was fighting a war against the humans. To end it, she is married to someone from the Edelin Empire. Her husband is a slaughterer, the Black Reaper. He is a knight known throughout the continent, Duke Havel!

There she was in the duke’s castle, married and resigned to her fate. She was prepared to die by her husband’s hand…

“Why don’t we do this together for a hundred years?”

Instead of ending my life, my husband keeps bothering me.

Excuse me, but aren’t we supposed to be enemies?

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마녀를 사랑하는 방법
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Mcnegar rated it
December 15, 2022
Status: --c33
It was honestly not bad 😮..... I actually went into the story with kinda negative thoughts I thought the couple would be corny but I was wrong it's vanilla and it's a cute lil story not bad I'm even impressed the couple are healthy they don't start off terrible

It's not that kinda of story where they're at each others throat 247 that kinda Corny sh*t he teases her not even toxic it's cute teases she's not even moved by them anymore it's over all cute shit
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