How To Love a Broken Girl


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A girl was broken from the start.

A man sees the girl performing an abnormal act with the intention of destroying her.

He has the broken girl in his hands, r*pes and defiles her as he pleases.

The girl is corrupted by the man’s hands to no end.

Was it a misfortune for the girl, or…?

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Kowareta Shoujo no Aishikata
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boredhood385 rated it
December 15, 2021
Status: Completed
A man turns a minor into a meat toilet.

... more>>

He eventually hears out her story of how she is broken. Her father blames her for her mother's death and her sister cracked under the pressure of being a perfect copy of her mother. The MC eventually moves in with the girl and her sister to restore her mind through r*pe.

They slowly rehabilitate her into a better person. Then MC marries sister so he can legally keep FMC and sister with him in their new home.

They eventually confront the father who is feeling the guilt if his actions and leaves them alone.

Eventually in their new home the MC enjoys romancing and treating the girls as his meat toilet and wife. Happily ever after ending. But seriously he came close to being arrested a few tines.


Tbh Wtf am I even doing here. <<less
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I was not expecting that. I got curious with the title, I thought it was something like a betrayal or yandere but it actually end up as uhmn... Yah, I know you saw it.

Edit: It was kinda messy at first but after reading it right after chapter 7, it turned out to be a wholesome romance with R-18 tag.
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