How to Live as a Writer in the Murim World


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Baek Su-gyeong, the man who changed the Central Plains with a single novel. How a best-selling author in the Murim world lives while wanting an ordinary life.

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Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Writer in Isekai
  3. My Favorite Korean Action Adventure Fantasy Novels...
  4. Misunderstood MCs with butterfly effect actions

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1 Review

Jul 26, 2024
Status: c25
It's a fun story so far, I'd say about 3.5ish mostly because there's not enough to have a good feel for where it's going.

The premise is, MC was a small-time author who reincarnated into a martial arts world only to be deeply disappointed that reality has none of the romantic ideals of the genre. When someone leaves their sect gates all notion of chivalry, honor, noblesse oblige, respect, etc seem to go out the window and they turn into power-tripping thugs. Murim in general is pretty stagnant. MC vents his... more>> frustrations by writing a (cliche-ridden) regression 'how things should be' story for himself that ends up making it into the wider world.

Keep in mind this is more or less a medieval society. The people in this world have zero experience with—or resistance to—modern cliches and tropes. Because of this, what MC considers a mediocre webnovel ends up taking off like a rocket as an innovative enlightening social criticism. Martial artists are being inspired by the actions and ideals of generic novel protagonist, seeking out MC wanting to know when the next volume will come out, oh and has MC maybe considered writing about their sect next?


There's now a rumor spreading that he's some sort of hidden grandmaster LARPing as a common writer, because how else could anyone make such profound martial observations? Really, MC isn't good at intricate worldbuilding so he doesn't go into specific details about how things work, keeping the focus on storytelling and leaving everything else vague and philosophical. This leads to the actual martial artists taking inspiration from their own interpretations of his writing and gaining enlightenments that are then attributed to MC's wisdom.

It's kinda funny how idolized the protagonist from his story is at this point. It's all exploded out of MC's control -- statues of the character are being built, the secret techniques MC made up are being recreated irl, etc.



Translation quality is good, a few mistakes I noticed but no complaints. <<less
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