How Could This Cat Tease Me?


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Record #1:

The entire entertainment circle knew that Xia Rong and Su Chi seemed to be natural enemies. They debuted at the same time and became popular at the same time. The two opposed each other in their careers, while their fans constantly ripped into each other in a frenzy.

Xia Rong began with this thought as well, all the way until he found out Su Chi’s secret… Su Chi could actually shapeshift?!

Su Chi: “The issue of me turning into a cat, help me keep it a secret.”

Xia Rong: “Why should I?!”

Su Chi: “Since you petted me… For an entire night?”

Xia Rong: “…”

Record #2:

Ever since Xia Rong found out that Su Chi could turn into a cat, moreover, shapeshift ignored the location, time, as well as the person in question’s wishes, the other often relied on him to help cover up.

The former rival became the obedient cat under his palm, and Xia Rong happily rubs the cat, “Hahahaha. Su Chi, even you have a day where you’re like this! Meow… Meow meow meow ao?”

Surprises always come suddenly.

Xia Rong was unresigned, “Meow ow ow ow! Is shapeshifting into a cat contagious?!”

Su Chi: “Don’t be afraid, I’ll steal cat food to raise you ^_^”

Despite that some people appear to be well off, in reality, not only do they secretly have a cat, that cat is also their boyfriend =v=

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Recommendation Lists
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  2. Recommended Stories for sharon <3 #2
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  5. >100 RAW

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7 Reviews sorted by

TheLadyWhoLikesBoyLove rated it
November 18, 2018
Status: Completed
Hello, to other readers out there I just wanna say that this is worth MTL'ingsince there's only 3 chapters out. First of all, the characters are not arrogant as you may think they are. The MC is sweet and has soft spot for furry animals, the ML is like cold but he's just really acting like a husband type for the MC throughout the story.

Believe me, this one is like a dessert (fluffy bl) after eating a spicy (smut bl) meal. I suggest reading at click101, that's my fav raw... more>> story website.

The MC is so cute when jealous, and sexy af. They alwas feed people from weaboo (amaright?) Unconsciously <<less
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xakiox rated it
December 25, 2018
Status: c4
Cute and fluffy! I definitely recommend giving this a shot. The translator does a very good job, so the updates are really worth the wait! Do give the translator support to continue this novel!

There's MTL if you're impatient but you will end up sacrificing parts of the novel. If everyone decides to MTL and quit the real translation just because only a few chapters are out, what's the point of translators picking up novels? There's no problem with reading MTL (i do it too), but if there's a translator working... more>> on it, do show some support. <<less
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1Sami rated it
May 21, 2020
Status: c18
It's so fluffy! The MC is dense and the ML is trying to chase him but he just thinks it's normal interactions between friends. The fans (and readers) are shipping them so hard and MC is just like, you're my best friend. It makes you feel sorry for the ML but you want more anyway.
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
September 4, 2022
Status: Completed
I mtled this novel.

About the story

MC is a young actor who sees ML as his rival. One day he picks up a cat at his hotel door only to find that it's the ML. Slowly MC gets to know ML and helps ML through his cat transformation emergencies. Their relationship grows from friendship to romance with comedic moments and also unravels the mystery of cat transformation and a lurking danger for the MC.

... more>> About the MC

For the son of a wealthy family, MC is pretty grounded and down to earth. He's cute and honest but definitely not ignorant, learning to deal with the hidden malice or schemes of others and being positive throughout it. He's hard working and puts a lot of effort into his career, which becomes more of a focus later in the novel.

About the ML

ML is a very single minded person in his pursuit of MC. He shows MC his trust and gradually wins his love through his efforts. He's steady, mature but also likes to tease MC every so often. They have a real relationship feel rather than the usual fireworks you get from romance novels.

Why I didn't rate this novel higher

While there is a sweet and fluff throughout this novel, there's a lot that is missing in it. The reasoning for why MC and ML can transform into cats is only roughly explained. The supernatural aspects of the novel are full of missing details and plot holes. It's the weakest part of the novel. Aside from that there are a lot of events and actions that happen but lead nowhere. A lot of things happen that do not further the story or character development when with a little tweaking they could have given more depth to the story. Both MC and ML's past, family and friends or side characters are almost not delved into at all. This leaves the world building very thin and threadbare. Even MC and ML's characterization are missing a lot of emotional background and depth. There's also barely any character development. On the surface this is a sweet novel but if you are looking for a meaningful plot with emotional depth, you won't really find too much of it here. Whether it's MC's career line and or plot, everything is watered down.

The positives are that MC's career line is more realistic without the rookie winning all the awards moments. It shows some minor career struggle and development that's more realistic than most entertainment novels which is a pleasant surprise.

The last part of the novel fizzled out and dragged after the climax and did not really end much of a sweet emotional finale. It was alright but lacking somewhat in what could have been a more meaningful end.


This novel is sweet and fluffy with lots of cute cat moments. Story and characters are not very developed. Good for a quick read but somewhat lacking in depth and lots of missing info and plot holes. If you'd like to read a novel that handles this kind of theme better, I'd recommend "He Woke Up And Became The Actor’s Cat." Aside from that the cat moments are very cute. This novel is more like a light snack. <<less
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clxndestinely rated it
July 2, 2020
Status: c61
It’s decent. Though the main themes (romance, cat secrets, and showbiz) don’t mix well: instead of merging well together, they kind of alternate. I like the ML’s personality, though I’m still not sure which persona MC’s supposed to have, since it kind of changes.

In simple terms, it’s pretty okay — once you click an episode, you can’t stop — but I don’t think I’ll continue reading, since it’s getting trifling to open. The individual chapters aren’t bad, but it’s hard to anticipate clicking the story again for the overall plot.

Don’t... more>> let my personal opinion stop you guys, though. The translator’s great and so is the general idea. You’ll probably enjoy it more than my blob self. <<less
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ike_00000 rated it
June 28, 2019
Status: c17
Fluff fluff fluff!! Much cute fluff!!!

Only chapter 17 so far but can't wait for more!!! The MC and ML so far are both very lovable, and their interactions when ML is a cat is sooo cute!! I do wish they could've had a longer period when MC didn't know the cat was Su Chi and just wholeheartedly doted on him haha, maybe even having the cat see embarrassing scenes or something, would've made the reveal even funnier!!

Biggest concern is that so much of it is about their reality show details,... more>> it feels so unnecessary lmao

Oh well, it's still cute.

Recommended!! More chapters please, thanks to the translator for the hard work! <<less
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rhianirory rated it
April 9, 2019
Status: Completed
so cute and fluffy! I love the cat angle but then, I'm a cat s*ave so they had me at "meow." this gets an extra star for the cats, otherwise I rate it about a 4.2.

the MC isn't particularly bright, but he's not an idiot MC and he has his talents (and money). The ML isn't overbearing and domineering for a change, though he does have that icy untouchable persona going at the start. In other words, despite the supernatural circumstances and the MC's family they both come across as... more>> normal people who are easy to relate to and sympathize with.

since I MTL this I will, of course, be rereading once the translations come out, since you miss part of the story and a lot of the finer detail when your using MTL. I think this is worth another read. <<less
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