How Can The White Cabbage Dig Up The Pig


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As the wind blows, flowers fall.

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Defect (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Short Stories
  2. PAIN!! PAIN!! PAIN!!
  3. wow, it's a wrap!!!
  4. GET GAY
  5. Tear drops.

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Date Group Release
08/10/20 Dummy Novels oneshot
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dday0425 rated it
December 24, 2021
Status: oneshot

As the wind blows, flowers fall

At first, the story started off in spring when the peach blossoms were in full bloom, and everything was light-hearted and romantic. The main CP was cute with all the teasing and bickering. Now, I know the characters might sound a bit cliché, but they're well-written, with one being cute and cheerful, while the other being stern and loyal.

The writing was also on point. I was thinking "oh, this is probably another bubbly novel, great!", but nope, it betrayed me.... more>>

I don't want to cry over it anymore, but thinking of how Chu He spent ten months sleeping on cold benches and silently eating poisonous foods just to protect the ML is really heartbreaking. 😭 S*upid child, why did you do that? Don't you love yourself?


I am crying. 😭 How come this story ended up in tragedy? I seriously didn't see this coming at all. <<less
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Rutabaga rated it
March 5, 2021
Status: Completed
I have no idea why the title is this cute when the story is sad, but it's quite good for a Oneshot. Just, look at the genre before reading it. Don't want you giving a bad review just cause you didn't like that the novel was tragedy.
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earlgreyt rated it
September 19, 2021
Status: oneshot
It's ok, this is fairly formulaic for the CN-style tragedies out there.

Silent suffering (check.)

Happiness covering up suffering/sacrifice (check.)

Lack of communication (check.)

Bullheaded/stubborn MC or ML (check.)

Misunderstandings & regrets (check.)
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
October 3, 2020
Status: --
Haha I was tricked. No fluff here this is BE, but an okay read to past the time as it wasn’t deeply depressing.
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Aks96 rated it
May 21, 2022
Status: Completed
Pretty Meh story to be honest..

ALL characters are braindead. One falls from tree and suddenly falls in love and the other after repeated teasing awakens to his gayness. He finds out he wants a he instead of she but it was too late.

2* from me. I didnt even feel sad for them and thought yep you guys deserved it.
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