How a Reincarnated Warlock Lives


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Astrid Elliger, the notorious First Apostle of the Ashen Demon and founder of the Black Dawn Society, is executed for his countless sins. However, through a meticulously planned ritual, he is reborn into the body of Luciel Lumineger, a young priest candidate with exceptional potential.

Stripped of his demonic powers but retaining his memories and vast knowledge, Astrid navigates his new life with a cold, calculating pragmatism. He quickly adapts to his new identity, displaying extraordinary talent in holy power that draws the attention of Inquisitor Anton Lebecht. Recognizing Luciel’s potential, Anton invites him to join the Inquisition, the Church’s elite force dedicated to hunting heretics.

Astrid seizes the opportunity, seeing the Inquisitor’s mantle as a perfect cover for his true goal: retrieving powerful artifacts he strategically hid throughout the continent centuries ago.

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MarketResearchReading114 rated it
October 15, 2024
Status: c64
The action feels like it has stakes, as our protag is injured, and may fail... even though its likely he'll get out of things okay because he can be healed. This small distinction of relative danger vrs plot established conceptual safety keeps the illusion of threat going well.

Our OP protag feels like they're in danger constantly, and it feels relatively earned.

The story may feel typical, but the stakes feel better established in this action packed bit of story.

It has really good world building, and a religious concept that works well... more>> without feeling absolutely repulsive in it's derisive sentiment common to atheist notions within Korea.

The faithful are often mocked, but for many very valid reasons. Our protag has somewhat of an unearned enlightenment relative to our relationship to him in the story. That said, its seeded that he has come to this place via battles with good and with back handed dealing with evil.

This doesn't feel like an out and out condemnation of religion, given the world view, and it feels more like a device to keep atheist Koreans from rejecting a story that plays with these concepts.

Its a relatively enlightened way to go about having a discussion of the concept with people that are finicky, on either sides... without actually announcing any sort of sentiment of that going on. This isn't a hard fast dictation of morals, more like an engaging story that just wants to sort of munch on the questions... letting the reader flow through their own thoughts on such.

Our protag maybe an absolute dog when it comes to mocking people within the world, but it feels well within the framework of his awful character. This guy is an absolute villain turned anti-hero.

This is not a good person, and we're not supposed to like them, so any typical atheistic sentiments feel nuanced within that framework. If you're going to portray blunt atheism within a context that utilizes theological concepts... this story does a great job of handling it with nuance.

Intended or not.

It feels rather typical, but the world within the story is vastly different then many concepts I feel being run ragged in typical light novel story telling.

Rather refreshing, with tropes that feel at home, while playing with concepts that keep things lively.

Marvel at this lunatic and enjoy the audacity of his character as he fights heaven and hell to stop mucking things up. <<less
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boomstick3000 rated it
September 23, 2024
Status: c55
MC is a very determined and focused individual whose overall goal is still elusive. So far, the story has been intriguing enough to keep my interest, as we follow Luciel becoming a relentless inquisitor while also rebuilding his dark powers in a very clever way. It's not truly a 5 star story so far, but I'll give it 5 stars to give it a bump.
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