How a Programmer Turned a T*ash Game Into a Timeless Classic


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Recently, Gu Fan, the president of Nirvana Games, once again ascended to legendary status due to a small bug in his new game. As a top-tier game designer in the industry, every game Gu Fan designs has a distinctive feature:

Initially, players find these games to be monotonous, boring, and purely frustrating—a waste of time. But once a significant bug is discovered, the gameplay transforms drastically, making it utterly captivating and impossible to put down!

This phenomenon has led players to a recurring debate: “Is this a bug or a game feature?”

In a recent interview, Gu Fan addressed this with a straight face:

“Hello everyone, I’m Gu Fan, a game designer. You can also call me by my English name: Fan Gu, or ‘Contrarian’.

“I want to clarify once again that these so-called ‘core gameplay mechanics’ were never part of our original design. They’re all bugs! But since the players love them, we decided not to fix them!”

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How a Programmer Use a BUG To Turn a T*ash Game Into a Timeless Classic
When I Wrote a BUG, It Became the Core Gameplay
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