Hopefully, at Your Mercy


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“You’re saying that you were my lover?” That’s ridiculous!

5 years ago.

After the novel ended, I lived in the real world, but then I returned here once again.

And the problem is that I lost my memories of the past.

What was my name in my previous life? How did I live?

In that moment of confusion, I encountered him.

“It’s a pleasure to see you again, Del.”

Bright red eyes that glow coldly.

Iskan Anagrok, the slaughterer who rules over the land of the beasts.

He even claims to have been my lover…

“You were my sister, friend, and lover.”


You’ve been trying to kill me since the first moment you saw me.

* * *

A low whisper caressed the ears of frightened Delinda.

“You can disappear again. Because eventually, you’ll end up by my side. But the process of coming back to me won’t be pleasant.”


“Is that okay with you?”

Delinda couldn’t bear to answer.

His silent question was an obvious threat.

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At Your Mercy
바라건대, 당신의 자비를
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