Hong Huang: I Kept Offering Poisonous Plans! Hou Tu Urged Me to Calm Down


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After transmigrating to Hong Huang and becoming a minor shaman in Hou Tu’s tribe, Chu Xuan shocked everyone by repeatedly offering poisonous plans in order to avoid becoming Cannon Fodder in the Great Calamity.

Who would have thought? The poisonous plans were incredibly effective.

The Demon Clan established the Heavenly Court and united countless races?

Chu Xuan: Establish the path of the Heavenly Tribulation and share the power with the Heavenly Court. From now on, all beings must undergo the tribulation!

In Zixiao Palace, it was said that those without Primordial Spirits couldn’t listen to the Dao?

Chu Xuan: Create the path of the Heavenly Demon as a tribulation for Primordial Spirits. All who possess one will suffer!

During the war between the Wu race and Demons, countless souls were left with no place to go, and the Calamity Qi of heaven and earth ran rampant. Who asked Hou Tu to reincarnate?

Chu Xuan: If you don’t work hard in your cultivation, you’ll end up as brothers in the Ten Thousand Souls Banner.

Chu Xuan: I have a plan that can completely resolve the Great Calamity of the Demons and Wu races!

Hou Tu: Chu Xuan, calm down first. Things haven’t come to that point yet.

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