Hold Her Tighter So She Wouldn’t Run Away


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“You can’t run away from me. Never.”

The harsh cold sweeps through the North.

The Grand Duke of the Principality of Phaenyx, Theo de Luache.

He was called ‘mu*derer’, ‘War Demon’.

Everyone feared his ruthlessness and refused to be by his side.

But now he has a bride-to-be.

A woman from a small southern island, not even on the map.

A year later, she will meet her death as a sacrifice to the Empire.

Unaware of this, she was sold to the merciless Grand Duke, Theo.

Theo didn’t care if his wife was a sacrifice.

She would eventually leave him out of fear.

She wouldn’t last even a year and would run away.

His life was always solitary.

“Theo. Shall we go for a walk?”

But she doesn’t seem to think of running away.

She doesn’t fear him and stays by his side.

With such a pure, clear smile……

Can she really look at me like this?

No, this won’t do.

I must bind her tightly to the Principality, keep her by my side forever.

I must kill those who intend to offer her as a sacrifice.

I must make her even more scared so she can never escape from here.

But first, I must take a walk with her.

Because she likes it.

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