His Red Box


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I went to the emergency room in the middle of the night, and the on-duty doctor turned out to be my ex-boyfriend—the one I turned gay. Holding my stomach in pain, I groaned, but Gu Yongge remained expressionless.

“Since we broke up, you’ve been playing around this much?” he said coldly.

Me: “?”

He continued sarcastically, “I was wondering why the money tree in my office suddenly died. Turns out you were coming. What bad luck.”

I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I grabbed his collar and snapped, “Once I recover, you’re the next to die.”

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Callum Dixon
Callum Dixon rated it
October 17, 2024
Status: Completed
That first half was so gross! Haha! It's amazing either of them could looke past that remeet cute lol. It was worth it tho, for a pretty emotional reunion.

Coprophobia warning


there was nothing described but diarrhea/shitting himself was talked about casually.


The two were cute, I felt for the MC when he explained his circumstances, and I even loved his reaction to his parentals.
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