High School Hack and Slash


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A slightly twisted boy, who led a slightly twisted childhood, had enrolled to a slightly not so normal school.

Isolated from the general public, Toyoashihara Academy was a school that deviated from common sense as it was in possession of a dungeon underneath.

The strong were favored and the weak had their dignity trampled.

The dungeon, governed by game-like laws, was also affecting the real world….

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Bolovis rated it
October 9, 2021
Status: c3 part4
If it was to resume in the least number of words, I would call this novel "edgyboy wet dream".

MC being demigod that "kills" a high demon barehanded on the first day of diving in a dungeon while being the only one that does not treat women as meat hole that everyone with peepees can r*pe as they please, and get a girl in love with him after the first penetration with his ginormous member (lol). Add to that his demon rags that fuse with his body and turn him into... more>> a shadow mad man goblin one-punch killer that travels the hardcore ultimate difficult dungeon while releasing streams from the mouth and slowly becoming a shadow whateverdemon man as he has to pay the price for that power shenanigans. And family issues!! Pops and moms abandoned me! But I am a self-made master of fight styles that I watched in the Teevee. And am awkward that gets misunderstood even being a really nice honest and reliable guy!

God! The more I remember the funny it gets. It is like a pile of all the stereotypes of edgy chuuni. Chuuni overlords must love this to the dead.

I get it that with 3 whole chapters it is hard to form an unbiased opinion over a novel, but at the same time, this all happened in 3 chapters. Do with that information what you will.

There are some interesting things to consider, as a govern kept secret school that sacrifices young people to a magical entity called "dungeon" that uses a school as cover. And how the dungeon evolves as the perception of the people changes over time. But this is all sandwiched between r*pe that is covered as "the girls enter the school to sell themselves, yoh" and a buffet of girls to choose from. All the good points get muddied to me. If edgylordisms do not bother you have a great time, otherwise pass this over. <<less
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Fluffums rated it
September 13, 2021
Status: --
The tags are extremely light right now, with a lot missing. I think even if I add 50 tags there will still be some missing...

Basically, the story is about a god mode protagonist taking on a hell mode RPG while collecting a harem. And even if ithe protagonist is god mode, he's only invincible in battle (and in bed). He'll struggle in plenty of places. There are many side POVs, and most of them are surprisingly not just people reacting to the protagonist - though many of them will... more>> reference him, his allies, the area he's in or going to - but they show how "normal" and "normally exceptional" people act in the same environment.

And it's a really dark environment. Really, extremely dark - any bad thing that can happen in a R-18 doujin or novel will happen during this story, just not to the people under the protagonist's protection. The side POV chapters are where you can see NTR, monster/machine r*pe, guro, ryona, etc. Luckily they don't really matter outside world building and are well enough labelled to skip them if you just want to read a power fantasy. The protagonist can protect his people enough to consider them safe. Anyone not under his protection, though?

The hack and slash part is pretty good too. While the protagonist is OP, he's not the only one who fights, and the other fights are done pretty well. The dungeons are varied, and you can see different parties and combat styles, and even people who gave up. There are traps and puzzles and secret shops and it would be a pretty fun game to play.

I want to say the main draw of the novel for me, the reason I rate it 4*, is the comedy. I like the combat too, and I like some of the h-scenes, and the setting and main story are also pretty interesting, but it's definitely my favorite that all of the characters have a few screws loose, and many serious scenes will just be blown away by someone (not always the protagonist) doing something crazy "by coincidence".

The biggest downside is, after all, the setting is too dystopic, too "men strong women weak" aside from the main heroines. It creates a stark contrast that shows how different the protagonist is and enables some of the humor but it gets depressing... <<less
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gaffout rated it
November 12, 2022
Status: c28
OK what the actual f*ck? I agree with many of the other commenters i.e. Power fantasy, self insert edgelord etc.

I actually didn't hate this until chapter 28. Why do so many japanese authors turn OP MC's into doormats?

... more>>

I can't even count how many times the MC has been forced into seiza now. I was still somewhat ok with that. Now because of some collateral damage caused to expensive uniforms, he is no longer allowed to have money. He even has to sit and eat cabbage while his entire party indulges in yakiniku in front of him. Oh yeah, he can't just go alone into dungeon to make money to repay them, because he's not allowed to go into the dungeon by himself. Yay, another OP MC turned into a pathetic doormat or is that godly doormat?


I'll give it two stars, since it was an ok fun read up until ch28. Now that the japanese please walk all over and treat me like garbage mentality has emasculated the MC, it's probably time to drop it. Maybe I'll look for some chinese novels. Don't really get into all the heavenly cultivation stuff, but at least their MC's don't become pathetic pushovers when they get a girlfriend. <<less
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Daoist CtrlF Quotation Mark
Daoist CtrlF Quotation Mark rated it
July 5, 2022
Status: c33 part3
I'm not going to be too harsh with this, because it's very difficult to understand - the beginning chapters especially. I don't consider translation quality when reviewing as that wouldn't be fair to the work itself. The issue is that I can't tell if the difficulty stems from the author or the translation. EDIT: It seems that at some point or another the translation was cleaned up, perfectably legible now.

Plot wise it's interesting. I actually want to learn more about the setting and see how the characters interact with it,... more>> which is generally rare for smut novels. It's fun to learn about the various classes and their pros and cons. The social hierarchy, which hasn't been explored in depth yet, is intriguing from both a reader's and worldbuilding perspective. Most of all I want to learn more about the goals and motivations of whoever runs this academy.

Smut wise it can be hit or miss. A lot of girls have an "easy delivery type ass" so, uhh, that's probably hot. Maybe. Sometimes either positions are changed without informing the reader or everyone is Stretch Armstrong. There's another male in the protagonist's party, I can see this driving off a good amount of people,

but he has his own girl and hasn't touched any of MC's.

I know I only listed cons and oddities, but aside from these the smut is good.

Concerning NTR:


There is once instance of NTR. However, this instance is an alt history chapter of the chapter right before it. Assuming the MC isn't the MC and is just another first year. This is the only chapter with anything involving alt history.


Considering everything, I'm going to give it a 3.4. Right in the 3-4 range, but not quite enough to bump it to 4. <<less
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summers rated it
October 2, 2023
Status: c115
love the idea of messed up kinky hentai school dungeon slice-of-life. At the start is clear author has fleshed out idea of dungeon system, but is explained in confusing way.

Summary is MC is sponsored for this special school where they are trained to go dungeon diving. They can't die in the dungeon but they can suffer trauma/lose their mind or souls. A side effect of gaining EXP or leveling or just being in the dungeon is increased s*x drive. Nor can they member anything if they die in the dungeon.

The... more>> result is a school filled with r*pey mu*derers, group s*x, and harems. Story often cuts the going ons of extra's. A teacher who picked a class that makes her submit to any s*xual request or a creep who trapped his crush in a card, bringing her out to use for s*x or the attempts of upper class men to violate naive underclassmen.

Dark stuff, but interesting. Problem is presentation. Author over uses special characters, we get lots of sentences like this [The entrance of the third dungeon (Jungle Town: Death forest) ]. Or descriptions full of sound effects like this; Mikan got all frustrated, her cheeks making a pout-pouty expression. That combined with no tagging of who is speaking, few descriptions or dialogue going past a line and I had little idea what was going on.

Maybe because of the confusion I missed it, plus I started skimming but I have no idea why anyone would go to this school. The powers aren't useable outside the dungeon. There seems to be no riches awaiting up completion of higher levels. Even submitting to hentai logic, this is a horrible place for girls as they are supposed to be getting protection for hooking up with stronger guys. Common sense is that the girls would all find someone like MC to rescue them as many of his harem have done.

There was potential in story expanding on the s*x culture of school; like noting that this behavior only during the first year and by second year you are either a s*ave or have found safety in powerful group. Or that this behavior is rare and it only seems like everyone are fiends because they are so brazen.

You can tell from my review I was invested in this story. Surprisingly I have not found anything like it. Very strange given this industries obsessions with school life, dungeon crawling and r*pey hentai s*x. Or better to say that the school life is ignored as most authors focusing their MCs battling it shounen style in between s*x scenes.

Anyways can't recommend this unless I get word something has changed in author's writing style. <<less
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atomsphere rated it
June 26, 2022
Status: c32
Ehh, it's not great. It's a bit on the challenging side to read due to translation quality and MC personality. He's got the social skills of what I imagine a sloth would have if it could speak. It'd be better if it replaced internal monologues with progression. It'd improve if there was just a bit more dungeon time, both the progression and the pov non-party s*x. There's still quite a bit of gangr*pe and even consensual orgies so if that kind of stuff bothers you, find another series.

With that said,... more>> I haven't ran into many novels that hit this perfect little niche: school setting + degenerate af + progression/litrpg. So 4 stars from me. <<less
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The Real Krauser
The Real Krauser rated it
June 24, 2024
Status: v1c4
Basically every female in the school is a cumdumbster for the staff and students and female students teach new first years to sleep with the strong and I don't believe MCs chicks don't get fked by other guys because after they come out of the dungeon they are like dolls for awhile in which the staff males r*pe them like MCs homeroom teacher who is used to it. Honestly was interesting at first but its just one big or*y school lol. MCs kinda cool but you realize he doesn't mean... more>> to seem cool to others hes just never had friends/social interactions. I was interested like I said but I can just read some straight smut or watch some p*rn and I was looking for the story but man too much s*x scenes honestly just in the 4 chapters, then you read other reviews that say MC just becomes a doormat <<less
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karapalida rated it
November 6, 2023
Status: c1 part1
DON'T waste your time with this sh*t


it's very difficult to understand the first chapters.

... more>> Second

The MC's friend wants the MC's girlfriend to be gang r*ped and does everything he can to make this happen, he even tries to steal the MC's girlfriend in the MC's own face and the MC just tells him that he forgives him for everything and everything stays the same between them. This guy even hit his own girldfriend in the face because he was angry after getting rejected by MC girldfriend.


MC uses talk no jutsu on his garbage friend and evangelizes him. <<less
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TimeVoid rated it
February 14, 2023
Status: c15 part1
This novel is worthless and perhaps on A modern school + Dungeons was literally lack luster of theme among the wide variety of a genre within the novel market. It was also a disaster were everyone could became h**ny instantly upon entering or leaving the dungeon. The basic of a rule to re spawn once you return to the surface with a penalty given to the person who was killed inside is just losing a portion of their memories the person who manage stay alive was given a bonus power... more>> ups or items to trade.

Consider the Main Characters, especially the protagonist was actually a teenage boy that could be considered as one who went puberty and climb the stairs of adulthood within a short span of chapters yet his character or demeanor that may perceive by the reader as less social able person is still going on and the rest of the party role was always kept on h**ny at bay or to be precise "when the story progresses, s*xual activity needs also to be continued" by the author.

Is there a villan or antagonist ? Not sure, but 15 chapter that I have read so far are focusing on building their skills and aiming to conquer the dungeon step by step method. <<less
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