Hero Sensei: My Students Are Fighting Monsters, Aliens, and Mysterious Organizations~


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Aiba Hashiru is a hero who was summoned to another world. After defeating the Demon King, he returned to his original world due to some troubles, and returns to his former life as a new teacher with his abilities as a Hero warrior.

However, among his students, there are those who fight against monsters, aliens, and a mysterious criminal organization.

This is a story about the life of a former hero, who doesn’t particularly hide or hold back his heroic abilities

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勇者先生 ~教え子が化物や宇宙人や謎の組織と戦っている件~
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1 Review

New Coronmira
Nov 25, 2024
Status: c300
If you hate the dense protagonist trope you will hate this novel. It's understandable to play dumb with your students but he can't notice the blatant advances of the succubus-like co-teacher, the maid, and the obvious affection of the JD

It's nice that the plot lines of the abyss beasts, the demon king's organization on earth, the alien terrorist organization are all intertwined, kinda hard to talk about plot without spoiling things

One of the things I like about this WN is that the MC does solve people's problems, but only if... more>> the people involved are doing their part. Apparently he was hero-ing too much during his early days in the other world that he deprived the people of a sense of crisis, like "eh, it's fine, the hero will do something about it." Now he's doing that proverb about teaching a man how to fish instead of giving a man a fish

MC is your cookie cutter OP protag. Sometimes he drives me nuts when he's too lenient on his enemies,

like when he let go one of the current demon king's generals like wtf? MC just took the guy's sword and sent him on his merry way, didn't he think that he could avoid some ppl's suffering by just ending the guy in their fight or destroying his magic generating organ


Heroine cast is pretty big so far

    1. Strait-laced japanese swordswoman JK
    2. Kuudere alien police/judge/executioner JK
    3. Genki girl harem supporter secret agent JK
    4. Closet pe*vert japanese swordswoman JD (NTR fan, she c00ms when MC is with other girls)
    5. Succubus (?) co-teacher
    6. Saint-like healer JC
    7. Dark-skinned mesugaki mahou shoujo JS from the other world
    8. Succubus (???) JS who's sensitive to magic (also daughter of #5)
    9. Blonde drill hair abyss beast summoner ojou-sama JK
    10. Combat maid of #9 (the most realistic pairing with MC tbh, she was done dirty when she was trying to propose to him)
    11. Mind-controlling hero cultist
    12. Enemy spaceship AI
    13. Over 1500 years old dragon (who transformed into a silver-haired 20 year old girl)
    14. Blonde american secret agent transfer student JK slash ninja otaku
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