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‘Mary Sue’ is a an illness of ‘thinking oneself is the main lead’, we all suffer from it. Don’t be alarmed about it being infectious, it is only declaring the start of growing up. This is a story of the growth of a little girl, perhaps this is also your story. She is Xia Nu, Athena, Tsukino Usagi, Flower Angel*, Siri Tachi, Madame White Snake…..

She thinks that everyone loves her, the world is waiting for her to come to the rescue. Yet she never expected that this world couldn’t be saved by anyone, the only thing she could do, was to grow up. Peter Pan has finally walked to the end of childhood, the time of youth is standing at the end of growing up and looking back, the rough and bumpy road has finally turned into flowers in full bloom.

*[Xia Nu (it can also mean a female fighter/warrior) – A Touch of Zen, Tsukino Usagi is from Sailor Moon, Flower Angel is from Hana no Ko Lunlun, Siri Tachi is from Star Wars, Madame White Snake is from New Legend of Madame White Snake.]

Associated Names
One entry per line
My Huckleberry Friends (Drama)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Our Youth
  2. The imperfect you
  3. I Have Read A Gem #4
  4. Novels and Adaptations
  5. Para leer.

Latest Release

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12/03/23 Tofubyu c98 part1
11/21/23 Tofubyu c97 part2
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10/02/23 Tofubyu c96 part1
09/24/23 Tofubyu c95
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3 Reviews sorted by

Ro rated it
August 2, 2019
Status: c4
The story so far is well written. The way story starts and how the plot is introduced by author is quite realistic, at least relatable to the audience who fantasize about being centre character of every interesting story they come across in daily life.

Translator has done good job in translating the story till now. I hope the project is continued by the original translator or any interested group soon.
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pearlception rated it
March 17, 2021
Status: c22
This novel is a hidden gem. I wonder why no one post reviews here.

Im only at chapter 22 but im sooo excited for the coming chapters. I read it for one hour non stop cause I cant get enough.
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January 30, 2023
Status: --
It's hard to give an opinion about this novel, it's certainly not bad, but not necessarily easy to liked either. Although this novel being written in child perspective through the 3rd pov but the cute thing was overshadowed by that heavy moods surrounded the FL. Way to dark for me, even more when you see it from the child perspective.

Also the main point is the description. I barely had any insight on the plot through the description. It's alright if you could get it from the first or two chapters... more>> on the beginning but sadly this story won't give you that. Without any insight, my interest also can't hold up for too long.

For the writing itself, I would give it 4 and 5 for the translation. The way the translator give a heads up on small description on the middle to help the reader understand it better are really great.

I want to read it but probably not now, im gonna save the ratings for later too when I finish read the whole novel. <<less
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