Heaven’s Favored Daughter in the 1970s


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In Lanshan Village during the 1970s, the Zhang family had always been honest and hardworking. The eldest son had served in the army for many years, but there had been no news from him. The second son was abandoned by his wife, and the youngest son took in an abandoned little girl and raised her before getting married. People believed the Zhang family was unlucky, saying, “Who would want to marry into this family?”

But unexpectedly, the Zhang family’s fortunes began to improve. During the drought, when everyone else was starving and thin, the Zhang family was the only one with enough to eat and appeared well-fed!

People even said a bird fell into their house, bringing them luck!


Tian Jiao’s last name was Tian, and her first name was Jiao. Her father was Tian Dao, which means “Heavenly Dao”.

Yes, that’s right—her father was the powerful Heavenly Dao, often mentioned in fantasy novels.

Tian Jiao had no idea how Tian Dao could be her father, but he was.

She landed in a place and time that was poor and struggling. Everyone was hungry.

Just as she was about to say she was hungry, she saw a delicious roasted chicken leg with honey sauce fall from the sky. Tian Jiao smiled happily and said, “Thank you, Dad!”

The clouds in the sky moved around cheerfully when they heard her say these three words.

Later, Tian Jiao fell in love with a boy. When she secretly told her father about it, the boy who came to visit her tripped and fell, got hit by bird droppings, and had sand blown into his eyes…

Tian Jiao stomped her feet angrily and said, “Dad, if you do this again, I won’t talk to you anymore!”

On a sunny morning, a quiet rumble of thunder rolled through the sky, as if her father was scolding her.

The boy, who had no idea he was being picked on, stood up, brushed the dust off his clothes, and hugged her, his face full of embarrassment. “Oh no, I’m so scared…”

Tian Dao’s voice boomed from the sky: “Boom!”—Let go of my daughter, you little brat!


On the day of Tian Jiao’s wedding, heavy rain fell all over G City, except for the small area where the wedding took place, which had clear skies.

Later, when Tian Jiao gave birth to a child, she opened the window and saw a beautiful, bright rainbow lingering in the sky—a heavenly sign of blessing.

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