Heartwarming Different World Reincarnation Days With Level Countertop, Item Carryover! I’m the Strongest Little Girl


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A young girl dies on Christmas day and is reincarnated into the world of her favorite game as her player character!

Associated Names
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Honobono Isekai Tensei Days ~Level Counter Stop, Item Mochikoshi! Watashi wa Saikyou Youjo desu~
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Recommendation Lists
  1. JP Novel
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  4. My holy relics
  5. Japanese fantasy novels with loli (little girl) MC

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Aster_Rayford rated it
July 31, 2021
Status: c16
It's a good read if you want something light hearted and fluffy, although I won't exactly say that it will not stay light hearted and fluffy for the rest of the story because I haven't read it yet but up to this point (c16) it's pretty fun.

Although some might argue that it will stay light hearted and fluffy but I read some stories that started like this (not exactly the premise but the vibes) and the story went to dark one real f*cking quick.

So yeah read it and don't take... more>> it too seriously if you like dark stories.

Have a nice read everyone. <<less
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