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Reborn into his university days, Zhou Yuwen understands the importance of maintaining a persona. This time around, his tags are cool, mature, and talented!

“I’m quite traditional. I believe dating comes with responsibilities, so one must be cautious about it.”

“Zhou Yuwen! Let’s get remarried!”

“Damn it! Are you crazy? I haven’t even been married yet!”

“Stop talking nonsense! We already got our marriage certificate in our past life!”

“That was in the past life!”

“Remarry me!”

“Get lost! I have a girlfriend!”

He runs, she chases!

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New HelloHound rated it
August 24, 2024
Status: c63
The translation site is simple and easy to use with few ads, the translation work is clear and there's a good amount of chapters available.

Now onto the story. The best thing I can say about it is that all the characters feel very human. Both SQ and ZY went back in time to shortly before they met and got together in college and use their new youth in very different ways.

ZY uses it to gain money and connections and SQ uses it to try and stalk her ex. Literally; she... more>> cold-calls his phone before they even "met".


She literally would stalk him and crash his dates after she divorced him, trying to get remarried. Despite him saying no multiple times, she went so far as to crash a wedding he went to and attack his then-girlfriend. She is jealous, possessive, presumptuous, and pompous.


They originally divorced when SQ found her husband to be unmotivated and lazy when he was a house husband and regretted it greatly.


ZY currently plans to never get back together with her again, which somehow makes SQ suspicious that he is also reincarnated


The various side characters take up more space than both SQ and ZY combined, they're very very annoying and intrusive, with many of the female characters having some kind of crush on ZY for various reasons. It's been about 63 chapters and they're still within the first couple months of the first year in college. There's a lot of waffling.

Again, very human characters, it's just sometimes humans are insufferable to be around. Maybe I'm not in the right headspace for this story, maybe it's just not meant for me. Give it a try if you want <<less
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