Hardcore Chef Dad


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What do you need to open a small restaurant?

Feng Ruoruo answers:

You need a kind and gracious boss lady (mom) to handle the money,

a lively and charming little child (Ruoruo) to greet the guests,

and finally, a talented chef (dad) to prepare the meals.

A lighthearted and heartwarming story about everyday life and simple cooking.

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Related Series
Daddy Fantasy World Restaurant (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Chill-Healing-Slowlife
  2. Cooking/Food Novels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/06/24 Salted Fish That Love... c22
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09/22/24 Salted Fish That Love... c12
09/21/24 Salted Fish That Love... c11
09/20/24 Salted Fish That Love... c10
09/19/24 Salted Fish That Love... c9
09/19/24 Salted Fish That Love... c8
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