Hanare Gatai Kemono


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Surdo was the king of the Golden Wolf tribe, while Dyria was an enemy soldier. Their romance was supposed to be a one-time affair during the war. However, it became a major issue when Dyria became pregnant with the wolf’s child—Ash, whom he had been hiding in a remote village.

After a very arduous search six years later, Dyria and Ash were forcibly taken to live in the palace of the Golden Wolf tribe. And there he met Yudha, the younger brother of the wolf who he had love with the night of the war.

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Recommendation Lists
  1. [BL] Collection
  2. Hot Novel
  3. bl novels that tickle my pickle
  4. Romance - no r*pe; minimal angst; lots of fluff
  5. Historico

Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/16/22 Mint Wood v1c10
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03/15/22 Mint Wood v1c8
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03/15/22 Mint Wood v1c7 part1
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08/23/21 Mint Wood v1c3
08/14/21 Mint Wood v1c2
08/12/21 Mint Wood v1c1
08/12/21 Mint Wood v1 prologue
2 Reviews

Sep 16, 2021
Status: c5v1
5 chapters is a bit early to be rating this, but the chapters are actually a good length and so far I quite like this.

The prologue is the one night stand and it's well written. They both seem to care about each other which makes it sad that the prologue ends with rumours of Surdo's death.

Chapter 1 opens with a time skip to 6 years later. Ash is introduced and you get an idea of how he's been raised (seems like the 2 have a loving, but strict relationship). Dyria... more>> and Ash are taken to the palace in chapter 2 and meet Yudha who turns out to be a decent guy. Some things are explained (don't want to spoil anything).

Dyria is the stoic type: trying his best for Ash, being strong, putting himself second (to Ash), etc... I feel like at some point he's going to break and Yudha will be there to hold him together.

So far this is well written and well translated with just enough hook to keep me wanting to read more. I will edit the review if things change, but so far I really like where this is going. <<less
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Jan 13, 2022
Status: c10v1
It's quite interesting set up. Child is very adorable. Darya is somewhat strict but loving parent been working hard to raise a child alone properly. Its only 6 chapters and story only starting to unfold as there is a bit more to, than just reunion with family of child's father. But so far it's getting better and better
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