Hall of the Reborn Demon Lord


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Born with a ruined dantian, Yan Yunhui was seen as a nobody, constantly mocked for his lack of martial power. Yet, through sheer cunning and mastery over spirits, he rose to become the feared “The Grand Priest of Demonic Arts” and the revered “King of Wandering Spirits,” second only to the Master of the Heavenly Demon Cult. Betrayed and left for dead by his own cult, he makes one last stand, unleashing a devastating ritual to burn his enemies and himself to ashes.

But death is only the beginning.

“I need a way. A way to come back.”

Yan Yunhui is reborn as Tang Yunhui, the illegitimate son of the Nine Dragons branch of the Sichuan Tang Clan.

Will he be able to reunite with his master, gather his scattered followers, and rebuild the Heavenly Demon Sect?

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09/12/24 Media Tag c1
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