Guarding Time, Guarding You


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After recovering from her illness, Jiang Nan returns for love but fails to receive a response from Zeng Yu. Haunted by inner turmoil and confused about his feelings, Zeng Yu embarks on a solo trip to Europe to sort through his frustrations and doubts.

Understanding the emotional barriers in Zeng Yu’s heart, Jiang Nan sets out on a bold, female-led version of a “Proposal Daisakusen” in her pursuit of love.

Through the twists and turns of life, Jiang Nan ultimately unravels Zeng Yu’s emotional knots, revealing the truth behind the lies of the past.

Zeng Yu, in turn, bravely embraces the lover hidden behind those lies. Together, they walk hand in hand through their youthful years, stepping into their thirties, where love makes them each other’s one and only.

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